unit 4 what can you do?
一、 warm-up
1) **let’s do.让学生回忆并巩固以前所学的动词词组,也为本课时的学习做铺垫。
t: first let’s the tape.
s:…t: now increase difficulties.
i ask what can you do. then you answer i can open the door/turn on the light…group 1, what can you do? group 2, what can you do?..
s: i can…
2) 接着what can you do?的问题问what can you see?引出i can see a school.介绍这是mike的学校,让我们一起去找mike.
t:listen carefully. what can you see?
s: i can see a school.
t: it’s mike’s school. let’s play with mike,ok? but where is mike? look he is here.
3) 呈现mike画画的**。
t: let’s ask mike “mike, mike, what can you do?”引出i can draw animals in the zoo.
然后通过mike的画来引出dog,dog, what can you do?/ panada,panada, what can you do?/mouse,mouse, what can you do?
全部呈现完后,进行let’s chant.
二、 presentation
1) **上课的铃声,让我们加入mike的课堂。他们的课堂内容是家务竞赛。
t:the bell is ringing. it’s time for class.
let’s attend mike’s class,ok? first let’s know mike’s is…the teacher wants to know who is helpful.(操练helpful)
(2)通过三位学生的发言引出i’m helpful. i can water the flowers/sweep the floor….等五个短语 ,每次引出后进行操练。
t:first, chen bei says “i’m helpful. i can water the floor.”操练water the floor。
t: chen bei can water the flowers. what about wang peng?
引出王鹏的回答i’m helpful. i can sweep the floor and empty the trash.
t: they’re is helpful, ask togeter,ok?lily,lily, what can you do?
引出i can clean the bedroom and cook the meals.
三、 consolidation
1) 在what’s missing的游戏中巩固短语。
2) 根据教师给出的动作说出相应的短语,并请同学上台表演让其他同学猜。
3) 呈现mike班成员会家务的情况,先用句型进行角色扮演,然后根据自己的实际情况编对话。
教案 第一课时
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