
发布 2023-08-12 23:25:34 阅读 1005




sentences—熟练掌握下列句子,并能熟练运用。i like the blue dress.

i like the white sweater with the green 掌握向他人表述自己喜欢服装的表达方法。2、情感、文化目标:




五颜六色的服装:sweater, t-shirt, shirt, dress, skirt, jacket多**课件。

四、教学步骤:step 1. warming-up(1)greetings

t: hello, boys and girls. nice to meet you.(2)sing a song.

t:whattimeisit?it’ song.”(3)review the colour colour circle

教师旋转卡片,快速问学生what colour is it? the colours

教师依次出示四张彩色卡片,然后迅速抽出一张,问学生“which one ismissing?”

workt: i like the black pen. what do you like?让学生进行句型操练。step 2 presentation

1)pesentation of the new words.

a. (教师课件出示一个穿黄色的t-shirt的女孩)

t:who’sshe? s:shehasshorthair, this? it’s a t-shirt. it’s a yellow 小组读)

教师出示t-shirt it looks like“t”. it’s a pink t-shirt.在教师的引导下学生集体读“ilikethegreent-shirt”(教师出示转盘)b.


t: is it a t-shirt? no, it isn’t. it’s a shirt. a pink it’s a pink shirt.

教师出示转盘,学生按照小组读“i like the yellow shirt”.

can you guess who’s she? she has long hair, big eyes, small is wearing brown

t:yes, she is miss wearing a brown sweater today.课件出示sweater

sweater-sweater brownsweater—brownsweater it’sabrownsweater.(boys read --girls read)

t: i like the brown sweater. what do you like?

出示课件让学生选择颜色说i like the…sweater.课件变换衣服的颜色,教师引导另外的学生询问what do you like?d.课件出示jacket

t: what’s this? it’s a jacket. it’s a black jacket.

jacket—jacket brown jacket-brown jacket(让学生一一读)it’s abrown jacket.

i like the green jacket. what do you like?引导学生说i like the…..

t: look, it’s a jacket. it’s for you. put on your jacket. take offyour jacket.

turn to next.(教师引导学生发出指令)e.课件出示dress

t: what’s this?

s: it’s a dress. it’s a blue

blue dress-blue dress—it’s a blue like the blue dress. what do you like?fold your dress.

(教师做折叠裙子的动作)put away your 课件出示skirt

t:is it a dress? no, it isn’t.

it’s a skirt. a green like the blue dress. do you like the blue dress?

引导学生说i like the blue dress.

t: oh, you like the blue dress. here you to the tape

t: open your book turn to p28. read after the


eg: skirt-skirt—i like the blue skirt.(4)game


t: i say quite, you say loudly. the students point to it .

b.教师说i like the…或者i like the…with the…

学生根据教师说的举起相应的卡片,并且说卡片中的单词。(5)let’s go shopping


t: i am the waiter. who want to be the customer?

eg: can i help you?s:i like the…t: here you are.

学生进行shopping操练。(6)design the clothes

colour and cut the clothes

t: take out this piece of *****. listen carefully. colour and thencut the the clothes

t: look, i like the…with the…. what do you like? you can design

the clothes by in four

t: discuss in four please.

t: who wants to try?(7)let’s do

t: listen to the tape. follow me please.板书设计:

redshirtbrownjacketwhitesweatergreenskirtblue dress yellow t-shirt

i like the white sweater with the green skirt.课后反思:

从开始的游戏到单词的引出都采用了不同的方式,个人比较满意的部分,dress的教授到skirt的引出部分,老师做动作将裙子中间剪开,引出skirt。这部分的引出形象生动,学生通过教师的肢体语言可以了解教师所表达的意思。fold the dress叠好put away the dress放好。

在教单词的同时将let’s do部分的动词也教进去。为下面学习let’s do 做了铺垫。也比较容易接受。



本课有一个句型i like the….with the ….是本课的一个难点句型,在课堂操练**现在最后,从实际的操作中发现学生操练不充分,所以,可以将这个举行放到sweater和jacket单词后,结合一开始的i like the….



万里小学吴亚琴。教学内容 b let s learn let s chant 教学目标 1.能听 说 认读本课时主要单词 pants,socks,jeans,shorts,shoes.2.能用句型where are my 来提问并回答。3.能听懂会唱let s chant部分歌谣。教学重点 听 说 ...


四年级第三单元教学反思。四年级学生已有了一年正式学英语的基础,所以组织教学容易些,在对四年级的授课中,我采取的方法是 1上新课时,对新内容分层,层与层之间尽量衔接紧密,由简到难,由单词到短语,再由短语到句子,最后串句成篇,为学生搭好每一步的 梯子 让学生最终能完成对朋友的描述。2在复习时,尤其是复习...


classname 一 补全单词,写中文。t sh t p k20.r ng 二 翻译。1 红色连衣裙2 蓝色裙子。3 白色衬衫4 谁的夹克衫。5 绿色t恤衫6 我爸爸的。7 你弟弟的8 mike的。9 这么多颜色10 我妹妹的连衣裙。9 这是我的红色夹克衫。10 这是谁的夹克衫?它是我妈妈的。11...