
发布 2023-08-12 00:24:46 阅读 9796


unit2 my f**ourite season a (第一课时)


教学目标:1、能够听、说、读、写单词 season spring summer fall winter。

2、能够使用句型:what’s your f**ourite season?提问并根据实际情况问答。

3、能听懂let’s try录音,并根据录音连线。

重点: 能正确书写五个名词season spring fall winter 并运用句型what is your f**ourte season?进行问答。

难点: 四会单词season spring summer fall winter的正确书写。引导学生使用句型“which season do you like best?

i can ……问答。


mmm! it’s warm today! take off your jacket!

phew! it’s hot today! put on your t-shirt!

oooh! it’s cool today! put on your sweater!

brrr! it’s cold today! put on your coat!

ss:listen chant and do.


windy、sunny、snowy、cloudy and rainy

出示春天和天气**):what’s the weather like in spring?

teach; spring 板书、正音并将天气**贴在单词左边。

领读、拼读、操练:用同样方法教summer,fall and winter

fall and winter,there are four seasons in a year.

what’s your f**ourite season?板书引导学生回答。

spring/sunner………并进一步陈述原因,“it’s windy and warm”.

teach:season 板书、正音领读、拼读、操练)



what’s your f**ourite season?”之外,还可以用句型:

which season do you like best?

step3 practice


t:open your books at try”:listen and match.

which season do mike,chen jie and amy like best?

let’s listen to the tape to find the answers.听后校对答案。

2、let’s talk


b、师根据学生回答板书:always和play with snow

c、听音正音(listen and repeat)

d、操练对话(t—ss,groupa —groupb,s—s)

step4 production

1、act out the dialogue. get two ss to act it out.

2、make a new dialogue.(师先示范,根据实际情况,让两生做替换练习并表演)



用which season do you like best?来询问班上其他同学,并制一个**。

4、let’s sing :“what’s your f**ourite season?”

板书:unit2 my f**ourite season

a let’s learn let’s talk

what’s your f**ourite season?


which season do you like best


always play with snow


unit2 my f**ourite season a(第二课时)


1、能够听、说、读、写本课时的四会句子;which season do you like best?i like winter is fall is my f**ourite season.

2、能够理解read and write部分的对话并能正确回答和书写答句。

重点:掌握四会句子which season do you like best?及其答句i like winter best.


教学过程:step1 preparatation

1、let’s sing:“what’s your f**ourite season?”

2、free talk

t:how many seasons are there in a year?


t:what are they?

s1:spring、summer、fall and winter.

t:what’s the weather like in spring/summer…?

s2:it’s ……

t:which season do you like best?

s3:i like ……多问几个学生。

step2 pre—reading

which season do you like best?s:i like winter best?


s:i can play with snow教师接着说:oh,good,you can play in the snow。

教师说一下这两个短语的意思有什么不同,教师接着说:winter is beautiful,but fall is my f**ourite season,板书。出示词卡,教授其他单词,教师可以再接着问:

which season do you like best?引导学生做出回答,如:summer,教师接着说:

summer is good,it’s too hot for me,but fall is my f**ourite season,guess,why?引导学生做出其他回答,如you can eat apples,……

t:no,holloween and thanksgiving,出示**并教授。

step3 in—reading

1、general reading

t:read quickly and choose.

1)、who likes fall best?

2)、who likes winter best?

3)、who likes summer best?

2、detailed reading

(1)、which season does zhang peng like best?

2)、which season does mike like best?

3)、which season does amy like best?

3、read and write

t:now you read again and answer the questions。(

step4 post-reading

1、read in grorps

2、act it out




3、home work

1)听读read and write


板书:unit2 my f**ourite season a read and write

whicg season do you like best?

i like winter best

summer is good but fall is my f**ourite season。


unit 2 my f ourite season 第一课时 教学目标 1 能完成教学任务。2 能调动学生学习的积极性教学重点 正确书写五个名词并运用what syour f ourite season 和what sthe weather likein?进行问答。教学难点 听 说 读 写单词spr...


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