
发布 2023-05-20 07:51:28 阅读 3055



what does mei shan do?

what does d**id feng want to be?

are they good at english?

where did/do they study english?


1. what does mei shan do?

2. how long has she had the job?

3. why did she want the job?

4. how long did she study english?

5. what kind of job does d**id want?

6. has he ever been to an english-speaking country?

7. how long has he been studying at the school?

8. what other job is he thinking of doing?


1. be to do动词不定式做表语; to有时省略。

all i ever wanted to do was to tr**el.

what i did was (to) give him a push.

your job is to look after him.

you are to do your homework before you watch tv.

2. 强调句型: it is/was + 被强调部分 + that从句。

it was my mother who/that called the police.

it was in 1995 that you were born.

it wasn’t my brother that stole the money.

it was the students that were angry.

it is i who am wrong.

it is you who are wrong.

3. rather than 而不是……

i like to go in august rather than in july.

i decided to write rather than phone/ phoning. 与其……不如……

he lay rather than sat in his armchair而不是。

rather than wait, he left.

宁愿离开, 不愿再等。

3. rather than 而不是……

i like to go in august rather than in july.

i decided to write rather than phone/ phoning. 与其……不如……

he lay rather than sat in his armchair。而不是。

rather than wait, he left.

宁愿离开, 不愿再等。


. 请用括号中所给动词的适当形式完成下列句子。

1. it’s best __visit) singapore in autumn.

2. you won’t h**e any problemfind) chinese restaurants in paris.

3. what other job is your uncle thinking of __do)?

4. he decided not __go) to sydney for his vacation.

5. he doesn’t want __be) a tour guide.

. 请根据汉语意思和英文提示完成下列句子, 每空一词。

1. 你曾经去过讲英语的国家吗?

(an english-speaking country

2. 我需要问你一些问题。(need to do sth

3. 新加坡离中国不是很远。(be far from)

4. 新加坡的气温几乎全年都一样。(all year round

5. 这家动物园里的许多动物只是在夜间醒来。(wake up

齐读答案 you ever been to an english-speaking country

2. i need to ask you some questions

3. singapore is not far from china.

4. the temperature in singapore is almost the same all year round.

5. a lot of animals in the zoo only wake up at night.

2. 根据**中的信息,写一篇介绍你朋友的文章。

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