七年级英语 上 第六单元导学案

发布 2023-03-14 04:44:28 阅读 5322

unit 6 do you like bananas?



一、 短语及句型。

1、短语:likes and dislikes 喜好与厌恶。

2、句型:do you like ……肯:yes ,i do . 否:no ,i don’t .

do they like……?肯:yes , they do .否:no ,they don’t .

eg: do you like apples ? yes ,i do . no ,i don’t .

do they like apples? yes , they do . no ,they don’t .

does she like……?肯: yes , she does . 否:no , she doesn’t

does he like……?肯:yes , he does. 否:no, he doesn’t.

eg: does she like oranges? yes , she does . no , she doesn’t

does he like oranges? yes , he does. no, he doesn’t.

二、 语法点。

1、 一般现在时动词的变化规则(限于第三人称单数):

1 一般情况下,直接在动词词尾加“s”;

2 以o结尾的,在动词之后加“es”;do –does; go—goes.

3 以x、s、ch、sh结尾的加“es”;

4 以辅音字母+y结尾的,先改“y”为“i”,再加“es”。

2、 含有助动词的一般疑问句,肯定和否定回答时要重复相应的助动词。

3、 在询问某人喜欢某种东西时,如果名词为可数名词,要把名词变为复数且该名词前不用冠词。

三、 随堂练习。






1 ——do you like ?

—yesa. apple ; do b. apples ; does c. apples; do

she like oranges ?

—no , she doesn’t, she_ bananas.

a . do ;like b. does ;like c. do ;likes d. does ;likes


一、 短语及句型。

1、 短语:next week 下周, think about 思考, how about= what about ……怎么样? ,

2、 句型:①let’s +动词原形;让我们……。

sounds good.听起来好。

二、语法:1、 what about ……how about……怎么样?

2、 i think +从句 :我认为……

3、 sound为系动词,之后要接形容词。

4、 含有实义动词的肯定句变为否定句(或一般疑问句),要借用助动词do或 does(用于第三人称单数),然后再在助动词之后加 not。do not= don’t

does not =doesn’t



1、 用所给单词的适当形式填空:

let me (h**e) ice cream .

lin taonot play) football.

katelike) salad.

do you likepotato)?

shenot like)bananas ?

2、 单项选择。

tom apples, but he likes oranges.

a. don’t like b. doesn’t like c. does like d. doesn’t like

i like bananas

a. how about b. how about c. what about d. and you


① i like apples .(变为否定句)

does she like tomatoes ? 作否定回答)


一、 短语及句型。

1、短语:countable nouns 可数名词; uncountable nouns 不可数名词 ; ice—cream 冰淇淋。

2、句型:i like ……肯 they like肯。

i don’t like……?否 they don’t like…… 否。

eg: i like eggs. they like eggs.

i don’t like eggs. they don’t like eggs.

she likes…….肯he likes肯。

she doesn’t like……?否 he doesn’t like…… 否

eg: she likes vegetables. he likes vegetables.

she doesn’t like vegetables. he doesn’t like vegetables.

二、 语法点:

含有实义动词的肯定句变为否定句时要借用助动词do或 does(第三人称单数),助动词之后的动词要还成动词原形。

三、 随堂练习(选择正确的单词)

1、i like vegetables ,but i (don’t/doesn’t) like fruit .

2、they like oranges ,but they (don’t/doesn’t) like bananas .

3、she(like/likes) hamburgers , but she (don’t/doesn’t) ice—cream.

4、he (like/likes)eggs ,but he(don’t/doesn’t) like milk.

5、we(like/likes)carrots , but we(don’t/doesn’t) like tomatoes .


一、 短语及句型。

1、 短语:h**e breakfast 吃早餐 ;h**e lunch 吃午餐 ; h**e dinner/supper 吃晚餐。

2、 句型:① do you like……?

does he/she like ……

二、 重点语法:

1、fruit: pear, apple, orange ,banana ,…

2、vegetables: carrot ,broccoli ,

三、 随堂练习。


1、i like (fruit) andvegetable).

2、 (do) you like apples ?

3、she (like) pears , but (not like) oranges .

4、 (do) he like bananas ?

5、do they (like) apples?

yes ,they (do).


一、 短语及句型。

1、 短语:eating habits 饮食习惯;after breakfast/lunch/dinner 在早餐/中餐/晚餐之后;healthy food 健康食品,;sports stars体育明星。

2、 句型:

1 what do you like for +breakfast/lunch/dinner ?

2 i like ……but i don’t like……

she/he likes……,but she/he doesn’t like…….

二、 语法:1、about 为介词,之后的动词要用ving。

2、want to do sth想要做某事,to为不定式,之后的动词用动词原形。eg:i don’t to be fat.

三、 随堂练习。


1、she wants (go) to school after dinner.

2、what about (eat) apples ?

3、my (eat) habits are good.

4、i like fruit ,but i (not like) vegetables .

5、she (like) apples, but she (not like) eggs.


一、 短语及句型。

1、 短语:for breakfast 在早餐,;for lunch 在午餐; for dinner在晚餐; at least 至少。

句型:for breakfast , i like……

for lunch , i like……

for dinner, i like……

二、 语法点:






三、 随堂练习。




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