
发布 2022-11-29 17:58:28 阅读 2109

一、写出下列字母对应的大小写。(8分)opdq二、写出下列字母的邻居。(8分)1. hhjj4. df三、中英文互译(10分)

1. look at2.这是…3.

a nice jacket4.看起来棒极了5. my new skirt6.

那件t恤衫 colour?8. how nice!

9. is this a cap?10.

good evening.四、连线找朋友(8分)

1.你想给朋友展示你的新连衣裙说:a. what colouris my new jacket?

2.当你的好朋友向你展示他的新帽子时,你说:b. hownice!

3.当你向朋友介绍你妈妈时说:c. look at mynew dress.

4.当你想知道自己的新夹克衫什么颜色时说:d. this ismy mother.

五、单项选择(10分)()1. lookmy inb. onc. at()2. this is my sheb. hec. it()3. look at

a. ib. t-shirtc. me()4. look! this ib. shec. my() mike?

a. amb. isc. are


a. my shirt is my t-shirt is yellow.()2.什么颜色?

a. what colour?b. what time?()3.看,这是我的新夹克衫。

a. look at my new look, this is my newjacket.


a. this is my this is my mother.


a. this is my this is my cap.七、情景选择。(10分)

)1.你想让别人看你自己的新t恤衫时,你说a. this is a look at my new t-shirt.


it’s thank you.()3.当你想知道某物的颜色时,你可以说:

a. what is that?b.

what colour is it?()4.当别人夸你的衣服好看时,你怎么说:.

a. how nice!b.

thank you.()5.你想告诉别人这是你的帽子,你会说:

a. this is my cap.

八、从b栏中选出a栏中相对应的答语。(10分)ab() you helen?. a.

how nice!()yang it’s red.()at my new no, i’m not.

()colour is it? d. thank you.

) nice to meet you, yangling.

九、将下列句子排成一段通顺的话。(8分)a. how nice!

b. good afternoon, su hai. look at my new thank you.

d. good afternoon, yang ling


a. morningb. bluec. this isd.

liu tao: good, yang ling: good, liu tao: look!my new ling:nice!

liu tao:colour is the cap?yang ling: its

十。一、连词成句(6分)1. at, look, skirt, my (.

2. colour, is, my, what, cap (?

3. this, my, is, red, jacket (.


一、写出下列字母对应的大小写。(8分) p3. d4. q二、写出下列字母的邻居。(8分)

1. ii4. m5. aacc6. e五、中英文互译(10分)

1.看…2. this is…3.一件漂亮的夹克衫4. lookgreat


六、连线找朋友(8分)1. c2. b3. 五、单项选择(10分)1. c2. b3. c4. c5. c

六、根据所给中文选择合适的英文翻译。(10分)1. a2. a3. b4. a5. b七、情景选择。(10分)

1. b2. a3. b4. b5. a

八、从b栏中选出a栏中相对应的答语。(10分)1. c2. e3. a4. b5. d


十、选择合适的单词补全对话,将其序号填在横线上。(分)a a c d e b

十。一、连词成句(6分)1. look at my skirt.

2. what colour is my cap?3.

this is my red jacket.


unit 5 look at me 知识汇总。一 词汇 1 单词good好,好的nice好看的 好的great好极了 很好。shirt衬衫 男式 t shirt t恤衫skirt短裙cap便帽 帽子。jacket夹克衫new新的red红色的it s it is它是。look at 看 look看it...

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