
发布 2022-11-17 12:26:28 阅读 7739


project 1 my family and friends


活动任务:1. 制作一张有家庭成员的心形卡片。

2. 根据所制作的卡片内容,综合运用前四个单元所学的词汇,日常用语和句型等语言知识,开展综合语言实践活动。能用hello/hi, i’m….

this is…. he’s / she’s …he’s/ she’s my…来打招呼,并介绍自己,家人和朋友。


1. 根据所制作的卡片内容,综合运用前四个单元所学的词汇,日常用语和句型等语言知识,开展综合语言实践活动。能用hello/hi, i’m….

this is…. he’s / she’s …he’s/ she’s my…来打招呼,并介绍自己,家人和朋友。

2. 能初步听懂、会说、会读教授活动过程中拓展使用到的拓展单词和词组:heart, scissor, glue, cut out.

技能目标:1. 能用前四个单元的词汇和句型来打招呼,并谈论自己,家人和朋友。并能根据**拓展一些职业、形容词之类的单词。

2. 能初步听懂、会说、会读教授活动过程中使用到的拓展单词和词组:heart, scissor, glue, cut out.

情感目标:1. 通过活动制作,讨论,展示介绍,唱歌等环节,提高学生学习英语兴趣,能乐于说英语。

2. 通过展示活动中对家人和朋友的介绍,提升学生对于身边人的关爱,能善于去分享。

活动准备:1. 准备制作心形卡片所需材料:学生家长的**或人物画、胶棒、剪刀等。(提前让学生剪好爱心)

2. 复习和project有关的词汇、日常用语与句型等语言知识。

3. 按平时的座位,分组做,或以好朋友为小组,分组做。

活动步骤:课前放歌: 《finger family》《who’s she?》

step1. warming up

1. free talk

t: good morning/ afternoon. /hi./hello/how are you? what’s your name?(提问两人)

s: my name is/ i’m…

t: you know “i’m miss gu.” do you know my full name? let’s see!

my name is gu yingyu. my family name is “gu”. pay attention to the first letter“g”.

my given name is “ yingyu”. we must write the capital letter y.

attention: there’s no space between this ”y” and that ”y”. 教师手指提示)

t: what’s your name?

s: i’m…

t: can you write your name on the blackboard? (同法叫两三个小朋友上讲台写。)

s: yes.


t: hi. are you…?

s: yes. i am. /no, i’m not. i’m…

t: how are you?

s1: fine/….

t: nice to meet you.


t: this is… he’s /she’s a student.

s2: nice to meet you.

s1: nice to meet you, too.

t: do you h**e a friend? please introduce to me.

s2: this is … he’s/ she’s my friend.

t: nice to meet you.

2. sing the song《one little finger》

原歌词:one little finger, one little finger, one little finger, tap, tap, tap, point to the ceiling, point to the floor, put it on your head/mouth/eye/nose.

随机,教师指到什么改成什么)t:point to the window/door/blackboard/light/screen, put it on your left arm/right eye/left foot/ right ear/…

t:so this is one little finger, how many fingers do we h**e?

s: ten.

t: this is daddy finger, mummy finger… they are finger family.

活动意图:调动学生上课学习积极性,同时用one little finger引向finger family, 即family的主题)

3. sing the song 《finger family》

step2 presentation and practice

1. 1. t: today, i h**e a friend here. look, who is she?

出示alice的**并用this is…向学生介绍。

教授alice 齐读、分组读。

带上alice的名片,对学生说)hello, everyone.

引导学生齐说ss:hello, alice.

t: look, alice has a heart. on the heart, this is her father, this is her mother, and this is alice.

now you’re alice. who wants to introduce your family?

s:(引导学生说出) hello , i'm alice .this is ..

3. t: open your books and turn to page 30. read after the tape.(跟读课文)

4. t: here is another boy. what’s his name?

s: tom.

t: who can read it for us? (让一个学生读tom的介绍).now read after the tape.(**另一段课文录音)

5.t: we know alice’s family, now. i want to know your families.

let’s see! (快速闪现**,有个人,有全家福?)(**停顿)

t: who’s he/she?

让闪到的孩子作介绍this is my…)

教师可拓展问 what is he/she?)

s: he’s/ she/s a…

在这个环节还可拓展 grandma,grandpa,sister,brother,uncle,aunt,cousin)

6. say a rhyme

t: do you love your family? let’s say a rhyme.

father, mother, i love you.

my mother, my mother, this is my mother. my father, my father, this is my father.

love you, love you, i love you.



step2. my family

1. t: this is a big heart. (教授 heart) it means love.

t: we h**e a big heat in our book, too.

t: we can use the scissor to cut out the heart.

拓展教授scissor (教师出示剪刀教授) 跟读,开小火车读。

教授cut out (教师边剪爱心边教授) 跟读,个人读。

t: please draw your family or gule the photo on the heart. (教师示范做)

教师边示范边注意提示孩子:big eyes, small mouth, long hair, big nose 等)

t:when we glue, we can use the glue to gule your photos.

教授glue (教授出示胶水教授) 跟读,快速指人读。

2. t: let's talk about our family. you can use these sentences.

hello/hi. i’m…

this is my...he is a...

this is my...she is a...

this is me!

t: four students one group. talk about your family in your group.

who wants to h**e a try? talk about your family to the whole class.


step3. my friends

1. t: for us, family is very important. we love our families. (教师作心状手势)

and we love our friends, too. (教师作伸出双手状) they help us. we help each other.

t: look, alice and chen shiying are my friends. so i write them here.

t: you can write the names on the hands, too. (教师示范,并再次强调名字的书写规则)


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