
发布 2022-08-14 07:18:28 阅读 1295

第63课时英语导学案(sectionb 1a-2c)

unit 11 could you tell me where the restrooms are ?

interest (adj.) interesting / interested fascinate(adj.) fascinating / fascinated

expensive(反义词)inexpensive(同义词)cheap big(反义词)small

crowd (adj.)crowded (反义词) uncrowded beauty(adj.)beautiful

magic (人物)magician safe( n.) safety(adv.) safely safe (反义词) dangerous

organize (adj.) organized (n.) organization important(最高级) the most important

tourist(同义词)visitor / tr**eler vegetable(人)vegetarian 素食主义者。

更喜欢做某事 prefer doing sth. look for 寻找 at the corner of 在……的角落。

决定某事decide to do sth. =make a/one’s decision to do sth.

一直做某事be always doing sth. hand in 上交/提交 dress up 打扮/装扮。

what kind of … 的种类science museum 自然博物馆

history museum历史博物馆the history of… …的历史。

why not do sth.=why don't you do sth. 为什么不去做某事呢?

take a vacation= go on a vacation度假 as well as 也, ,

1. as well as 意为"除。之外,也,还",或者"与。一样好"

he can speak not only english but also french.(改为同义句)

he can speak englishfrench.

2. dress 为动词,意为"给某人穿衣",要用sb 做宾语,构成短语 dress up(in) 穿上……

dress oneself 打扮某人自己

get dressed (in) 打扮成……

eg:the boy is old enough to __himself.

on 3. market ,n.市场,集市广场

bring...to market 把。推上市

on the market 在市场上。

is one of the best cameras在市场上).

4what kind of food are you looking for?

---i am looking for vegetarian,在英语中,如果问对方喜欢哪种东西,要用what kind of + 名词+do you like?句型。

如果要问对方最喜欢哪种东西,要用what’s your f**orite + 名词?

或what kind of + 名词+do you like best?句型。


what’s your f**orite fruit?

my f**orite fruit is apples.

what kind of fruit do you like best?

i like apples best.

5. 表示建议的句子:

1) how/what about doing sth.?

2) let’s do sth.

3) shall we do sth.

4) why not do sth.

5) why don't you do sth.

6) you’d better (not) do sth.

7) could you please (not) do sth.?

8) would you mind (not) doing sth.?

9) you should (not) do sth.

1. i'm sorry i'm late because it's___crowd) in the street.

2. the fireman carried the crying boy to___safe).

3. the storyfascinate) all the kids yesterday.

4. where can i buy shampoo? do you know?(改为复合句)

do you know wherebuy shampoo?

5. is she from japan? could you tell me?

could you tell mefrom japan?


interest (adjfascinate(adj

expensive(反义词) (同义词big(反义词)

crowd (adj反义词beauty(adj.)

magic (人物safe( nadv

safe (反义词important(最高级。

organize (adjn.) tourist(同义词。


更喜欢做某事at the corner of


what kind of自然博物馆。

history museumlook foras well as

the history ofwhy not do sth

a good place(way)to do sthdress up 度假。


1. do you know money it is ?

2. i h**e never heard of it .tell me it is .

3. could you show me the supermarket is?

4. no one knows helped him out .

5. can you give me some advice on shirt to chose?

6. i don't know he’ll come .but i hope he can come.


1. it is a good thing (help) people in trouble.

2. i paid only $ 4 for my new coat. it is very __expensive)?

3. there is a girl (sing) in the next room.

4. the storybook i read just now is very __interest).

5. i don't know how (do) my homework.

6. he prefer to (take) a walk rather than (see) a film.

7. the teacher said that light (tr**el) faster than sound.

8. mary keeps (practice) (read) english every morning.

9. you,d better (ask)the policeman there. he might know.


1. i like swimming better than skating. (同义句)

i swimming skating.

2. do you know where the bookstore is? (同义句)


第62课时英语导学案 sectiona 3a 4 unit 11 could you tell me where the restrooms are store 近义词 shop escalator 近义词 elevator 近义词 lift crowd adj.crowded 反义词 uncrow...


宁条梁镇中学九年级英语导学案。第二课时。sectiona3a 3c 知识目标1重点单词。1.tiny adj.极小的 微小的 2.lift v.举起,n.电梯 3.awful adj.很坏的,讨厌的 v n感到遗憾,懊悔 2重点词组。1.stay by my side陪伴在我身旁。2.run thr...


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