仁爱英语九年级上册 导学案,有答案 unit1topic

发布 2022-08-03 03:46:28 阅读 4203

九年级上册复习unit 1 topic1


section a


2.发生3.去过(去而复返4.到去了(去而未归5 .照相。


二、五分钟测:试1.––hi, kangkang,where h**e you___a.

goneb. been toc. beend.

gone to2. he got up __late that he was late for work today.

a. suchb. soc. veryd. too 3.我和我的父母去了黄山。

imount huang with my parents.4.她去了非洲当志愿者。

sheto __to be a volunteer.5.铃响了。

theresection b


二、五分钟测:试1.—_you ever __to the usa?

—yes, we h**e, goneb. h**e, beenc. did, god.

did, went2. _it rains he**ily, _farmers are still working in the fields.

a. though, butb. though, stillc.

though, /d. although, but3.—i helped a disabled man yesterday.

___wonderful experience!a. whatb.

how ac. howd. what a4.

jessie learnt a lot __the book after reading it.

a. fromb. ofc. atd. with5.你有跳过绳吗?有,我有跳过绳。

h**e youyes

section c





1. china has succeeded in __shenzhouⅹinto space.

2. li ming __rapid progress in english since last year.

he has lived in hunan __自从) 1998.

4. you can send me the message by传真).5. i h**e __已经)had lunch. i am full.

section d



1.—the farmers in our villageh**ebeentotheusa.

really ? when __there?

a. willtheygo b. didtheygoc.

dotheygod. h**etheygone2. breakfast __an important part in our meals.

a. goesb. h**ec.

playsd. get3. missgreenisn’tintheoffice .

she __to the library.a.hasgoneb.



we oftenandin ourtime.5.有些人甚至到外国旅游看世界。

some people even make a tour __to see the world.

答案:sectiona:一、 back photos

placebeen gone and more

goes the bell

二、 been gone to the bell

section b一、 part in二、

withjumped rope, i h**e

section c一、 the 1960s2. keep in touch with3. far and opening- progress

in doing sth.

二、 d一、 an important part iron rings

二、 to the radio, play chess, play hide-and-seek,


chessone’s spare a tour abroad

the open air’s


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