
发布 2022-08-03 03:47:28 阅读 8334


第一课时:(听说课) unit 1 it’s the biggest city in china.



1)what’s the population of beijing\ chongqing\ china?

2)beijing is a big city.

3)chongqing is the biggest city in china.

4)the population of china is about one billion, three hundred million.




1. how about sth / doing sth


2. an increasing population


3. along with = together with 连同……一起。

4. look up 查找,查寻。

5. the population of……的人口是。

6. “how about” 的用法。

“how about” 意思是……怎么样?(征求对方意见时)\ 呢?

eg. i prefer pe to art那么你呢)?

how aboutgo) out for a walk with me this evening?

7. there are too many people and there is not enough space, and there is too much traffic, noise and pollution.

学会区分 too many too much much too

“too many” 意思是修饰可数名词 \不可数名词)

eg. lucy, there are too many mistakes in your composition this time.

自主造句。“too much” 意思是修饰可数名词 \不可数名词)

eg. you are always eating too much junk food, it’s bad for your health.

eating too much is harmful to your health.


请对照:much too” 意思是 “太……,过于…”,表示超过了某个程度。后面跟形容词或副词的原级。

eg. this sweater is much too expensive, please show me another.

the box is much too he**y for me to carry.

自主造句。. there’re __people here . they make __noise and influence us.

we can’t sleep all night. it’s__ terrible.

a. too much, too many, much too

b. too many, too much, much too

c. too many, much too, too much

8. and the population of china is about one billion, three hundred million…


1)“population”一般看作不可数名词,做主语时句子的动词要用单数 \ 复数)

eg. the population of zhuchengbe) about one million.

2) 就人口划线提问引导词用what 请翻译:



3) 人口 “多”用表示,人口“少”用表示。

eg. ①china has a __population than australia.

a. more b. smaller c. larger

②. the population of japan?

a. how many b. what is

c. how much

③. the population of china __1,306,280,000 in 2000.

a. are b. is c. was

④.世界的人口迅速增长is increasing quickly.

⑤.广东有多少人口of guangdong?

⑥.广州的人口比北京多吗?is theguangzhouthat of beijing?

9. 20 percent 百分之二十。


. 50 percent of the students __australia.

a. come from b. is from

c. is come from

. 20 percent of the water in the pool __polluted.

a. is b. was c. are

10. “thanks to” 意思是多用于向对方表示感谢。

eg. thanks to your help, we finished the work on time.


the fields weren’t drought any more.

11. 由于你的叫喊,宝宝醒了。

the baby is awakeyour shouting .


step 1课前预习检测。 1.单词检测。

2.词组检测step 2 听力训练(activity 3)



听activity 2,listen and choose the best answer.听两遍录音。

1. did betty go shopping last week

a. no, she didn’t. b. no, she did. she did.

2. and so___people create so___traffic and pollution.

a. much, much b. much, many c. many, much

3. why was betty’s shopping trip unsuccessful?

a. too many people b. too noisy c. too much pollution

4. what’s the population of beijing?

a about 11,000,000 b about 13,000,000 c. about 15,000,000

5. what’s the population of chongqing?

a. about 27,000,000 b. about 31,000,000 c about 36,000,000


1. 第一层听,听activity 3选择正确答案。(问题较多,根据班的实际情况自选题目)

1) what’s this week’s homework?(

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11 1学案2 外研版九年级上

module 11 population unit 1 it s the biggest city in china.教学目标 掌握本单元生词,能听懂对话,并且能用大数字谈论人口问题。预习导航 你了解世界人口吗?你知道人口问题已成为世界一大难题了吗?预习单词,会读并联想其词形变化。1.crowd 形...