
发布 2022-08-18 08:27:28 阅读 5624

unit 3 topic 1 (section a )

english proverb:practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。




学习目标】learning aims and demands.


学习重点:(1)disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world. (2)english is spoken as the main language in america.

学习难点 it is also widely used throughout the world now.

预习导学】preparing for lessons before class.








基础知识】basic knowledge.

1. complete 1a ,1b,2﹠3a.

self-study. (独学)

]: 认真阅读,找出重点和难点并用双色笔作出记号。

2, listen to the tape and mark ture and false.

pairwork and groupwork (对学与群学)

] 3b, discuss to find out how to change the active voice into the passive voice. 然后展示3b所学知识。

【合作**】further learning

1. you can stick it on the wall in your room.

点拨:stick sth. on the wall 把…粘在墙上

同义句you can it on the wall of your room.

拓展:1)stick --木棒,枝条(名词) collect dry sticks to make a fire

2)stick to sth./doing sth.--坚持、主张某事/坚持做某事。

练习:a.他总是坚持自己的决定。 he alwaysb.她坚持每天早起。 sheevery day.

2. i will be able to see more cartoon characters.

总结:be able to do sth.--有能力做某事,会做某事(用于各种时态);

can do sth. -会做某事,能做某事; 只有过去式could,不能用于将来时和其它时态。

练习:a.再过几个月我就会说法语了。ispeak french in another few months.

b.你会开车吗you drive a caryoudrive a car?

c.这件事我们现在可以谈。 we __talk about it now.


shesing well when she __a child.

3. disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world .

english is spoken as the main language in america.

it is also widely used around the world.

点拨:is enjoyed---被喜爱 is spoken---被说 is used---被使用 (一般现在时的被动语态)被动语态构成:动作承受者+ be动词+及物动词的过去分词+(by + 动作执行者)

练习:1.黑板经常在课后由学生们擦。the blackboard __oftenstudents after class.

2.门是他刚刚关上的。the doorby just now.

3. 丝绸是在杭州生产的。silkhangzhou.

4. i hope i can go there one day. 辨析:one day (过去)有一天,(将来)有朝一日 / some day 有朝一日,总有一天(将来)

练习:1. 总有一天你会明白的you understand.

2. 一天,他在街上遇到一位老朋友。

heone ofon the street

5. i can’t wait to fly there.

点拨:can’t wait to do sth. -迫不及待地做某事。


链接:1)wait for2)wait for sb. to do sth.

3)keep sb. waiting 4)wait a minute/moment/second

6. you’ll h**e a good chance to practice english there.

点拨:h**e/get a chance to do sth. 有机会去做某事。

练习:a.我们将有出国留学的机会。we’llfor study.

b.我希望有机会和你用英语交流一下。i hope i’llyou in english.

点拨:practice --实践,练习(名词); practice=practice---实践,练习(动词)

用法:practice/practise doing sth.--练习做某事。


7. try your best and work much harder from now on.

点拨:from now on --从今以后,从现在开始(用于将来时) 链接:from then on用于___时)

练习:a.我希望从现在起我们是好朋友了。i hope wegood friendsb.从那以后,她就再也没有迟到过。

she __never

8. at last, he was pleased with one of his pictures of the mouse.

点拨:be pleased with sb./sth.…对…感到满意/高兴同义词组。


i’m verywhat he __just now.

链接:be pleased to do sth. -高兴/乐于做某事。

练习: 我们应该乐意帮助别人。webehelp others.



1. many people speak english around the world.

-- englishmany people around the world.


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