
发布 2022-08-14 07:19:28 阅读 9737

unit11. sad movies make me cry.

ap81. 课题:make sb do 使某人做某事 make sb + adj 使某人处于某种状态。

sb be made to do 被迫做某事。

1c: rather (adv) 相当;(与动词连用) 有点,稍微。

it was rather a difficult question. 这是个相当难的问题。

roger looks rather like his father. 罗杰看上去很像他的父亲。

i rather suspect we’re ****** a mistake. 我有点怀疑,我们正在犯错误。

or rather( 纠正所说的话或提供更确切的信息) 更准确地说…

in the end he had to walk— or rather— run to the classroom


rather than 而不是。

i think i’ll h**e a cold drink rather than coffee. 我想要冷饮,不要咖啡。

would rather do than do 宁愿…而不愿…

maria would rather die than give a speech. 玛利亚宁死也不愿意做演讲。

i’d rather be a sparrow than a snail. 我宁愿做只麻雀也不愿做一只蜗牛。

p82: 2b: drive (v) 驾驶,开车;pt:drove pp: driven

martin always drives to work. 马丁总是开车上班。

drive sb crazy/ mad 把某人逼得发疯/ 发狂/ 失去理智。

你们的懒惰使我发疯:your laziness drives me crazy.

drive sb to do sth 驱使某人做某事:hunger drove him to steal. 饥饿驱使他去偷窃。

drive sb away 使离去:roger’s constant nagging drove tony away.


2d: 1. the more…the more越…就越…

the more we know him, the more we like him. 我越了解他,就越喜欢他。

the sooner, the better. 越快越好。

2. h**e sth in common 在…有共同之处。

双胞胎在很多方面有共同之处:twins h**e a lot in common.

狗和鱼没有共同之处: dogs and fish h**e nothing in common.

3. lately (adv) 最近,不久前(常与完成时连用)

你最近见过她吗?h**e you seen him lately?

i h**en’t been sleeping well just lately. 我最近睡眠不好。

4. be friends with 成为某人的朋友。

我想成为你的朋友: i want to be friends with you.

没有人想和**做朋友: no one wants to be friends with cheats.

5. le**e out 忽略,不提及,不包括。

le**e me out of this quarrel, please. 请别把我牵扯到这场争吵。

justin hadn’t been asked to the party and was feeling very left out


banana left out an “r” in “sparrow”. 香蕉在sparrow这个词中,漏掉了一个字母r

6. friendship (n) 友谊,友情,友好。

your friendship is very important to me 你的友谊对我来说很重要。

leadership 领导,领导地位 scholarship 奖学金,学问 relationship 关系。

p83: 3a: 1. king (n) 国王,君主。

king george v 国王乔治五世;the king of comedy 喜剧之王。

the lion is the king of the jungle. 狮子是丛林之王。

2. power (n) 权力,力量,权势:i h**e the power to drive you away 我有权把你撵走。

能量,动力:nuclear power 核能 wind power 风能 solar power 太阳能。

电:a power failure 断电。

能力,机会:it is not within my power: 我爱莫能助啊!

幂,乘方:4 to the power of 3 is 43)(=4×4×4= 64) :4的3次方是43.

3. prime (adj) 首要的,主要的,基本的。

my prime concern is to protect my property. 我最关心的是保护自己的财产。

上乘的,优异的:prime beef 上等的牛肉。

首选的,最有可能的:darcy’s watch is a prime target for thieves.


n) 盛年,鼎盛时期:apple is a young lady in her prime 苹果是个正当妙龄的女郎。

these flowers are long past their prime. 这些花的鼎盛花期早过了。

v) 事先指点,使某人做好准备。

roger had been primed with good advice 罗杰事先得到了高人指点。

lily was ready and primed for action. 莉莉已经成竹在胸,跃跃欲试了。

the bomb was primed, ready to explode. 炸弹已准备好,可随时引爆。

4. minister (n) 部长,大臣:the minister of education 教育部长。

prime minister 首相,总理。

5. banker (n) 银行家; bank (n) 银行/ 河岸。

6. fame (n) 名声,名誉,声誉:jenny rose to fame overnight 洁妮一夜成名。

may went to hollywood in search for the fame and fortune. 梅为了追逐名利去了好莱坞。

famous (adj) 著名的。

7. there lived an unhappy king 倒装句,正常语序是 an unhappy king lived there.

8. feel like doing sth = want to do sth / would like to do sth

feel like 后还可跟名词及that从句。

tom感觉自己就像个傻瓜:tom felt like he was a fool.

9. pale (adj) 苍白的,白皙的。

you look pale, are you ok? 你面色苍白,你没事儿吧?

浅色的,淡色的:she has pale blue eyes. 她长着淡蓝色的眼睛。

暗淡的,微弱的:the cold pale light of dawn. 黎明(破晓) 时分的鱼白寒光。

v)变得苍白:jason paled visibly at the sight of the police car.


pale as chalk 脸色苍白/ 面无血色。

10. 毫无理由做某事 do sth for ni reason

napoleon总是毫无理由地大笑: npl always laughs for no reason.

11. 召进,召来 call in 被召进 be called in

12. examine (v) 审查,调查,考查,考核;检查,检验; 考试,测验。

the doctor examined her but could find nothing wrong. 医生给她做了检查但没发现什么问题。

the students will be examined in all subjected at the end of the term.


13. 既不…也不…neither…nor… 连接两个主语时,谓语动词遵循就近原则。

jerry既不喜欢苹果,也不喜欢香蕉:jerry likes neither apples nor bananas.

jerry既不是日本人,也不是韩国人:jerry is neither japanese nor korean.

jerry 和banana都不是女孩儿:neither jerry nor banana is a girl.

neither (adv/ pron) 两者都不:neither answer is correct. 两个答案都不对。

neither of them has / h**e a car. 他俩都没有车。

which do you like? neither, they are both ugly. 你喜欢哪一个?都不喜欢,俩都丑。

he didn’t remember and neither did i. 他没记住,我也没记住。

i can’t understand a word of it. me, neither. 我一个字都弄不懂,我也是

nor (adv/ conj) 也不:roger wasn’t here on monday, nor on tuesday



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