
发布 2022-08-14 07:17:28 阅读 2527

第62课时英语导学案(sectiona 3a-4)

unit 11 could you tell me where the restrooms are ?

store(近义词)shop escalator(近义词)elevator (近义词)lift

crowd (adj.)crowded (反义词) uncrowded magic (人物)magician

organize (adj.) organized (n.) organization lend (反义词) borrow

information (复数) informationmagazine (复数) magazines

闲逛(与某人) hang out (with sb.) between….and…..在……之间

有一点kind of 更喜欢做某事 prefer doing sth. 在商场at the mall

去商场go to the mall 决定某事decide to do sth. 在外面 be outside 一直做某事be always doing sth. 谈论有关 talk about 看书,浏览书look at books 在书店 in the bookstore 花太多钱spend too much money 右转 turn right 优点和缺点 advantages and disadvantages h**e great snacks享受美餐。

go past the park. 走过公园go out the front door走出前面的门。

a wonderful cook 一个很棒的厨师

a good place(way) to do sth.一个干……的好地方(方法),

1. we decided to talk to some students about why they go there?

decide to do sth/ decide not to do sth决定去做某事。

eg: he decided to go to shanghai tomorrow.

talk to sb. about sth. 与某人谈论有关某事。

eg: i want to talk to you about your work.

2. i go to the mall because my friends hang out there.

hang out 闲逛,hang about也有类似的意思。


hang-hung-hung表示悬挂 hang-hanged-hanged表示绞死

she hung the clothes in the garden. he was hanged for murder.

3. prefer作及物动词使用,通常意思是“更喜欢,宁愿”。




preferatob 在a和b中更喜欢a


iprefercookingmyselftoeatingout.我宁愿自己做饭也不愿出去吃。 ,


③ sth.. 宁愿做……也不愿做……



4. happen 意思是“发生”,没有被动形式,只有主动语态。

表示某事发生在某人身上,用happen to sb.的短语

eg:what happened to him last night?

happen to do 还有“偶然发生,碰巧”的意思

eg: i happened to go out when you called.

5. i always spend too much money. 我总会花掉很多的钱。

spend money (time )on sth / in) doing sth.做某事花费某人时间(金钱)

eg:we spent a lot of money on the house。

he spent so much time doing his math homework yesterday.

]1. some of my classmates __cartoons __documentaries.

a. prefer ..to b. would rather ..than c. like ..better d. like ..less

2. she prefers to eat outside rather than __at home.

a. cookb. c. to cook d. cooks

prefer skiing tothe snow makes me excited.

a. cycles b. cycling c. cycled



store(近义词) escalator(近义词) (近义词。

crowd (adj反义词magic (人物。

organize (adjnlend (反义词。

information (复数magazine (复数。



decide to do sthbe always doing sth

花太多钱turn right

advantages and disadvantagesh**e great snacks


a wonderful cook

a good place(way) to do sth


1. there were only ten people on the bus. it was __crowded)

2. i paid only $ 2 for my new coat. isn’t it very __expensive)?

3. we spent several happy hourswalk) through the space museum.

4. the storybook i read just now is very __interest).

5. all the activities in the club areorganize).

it __rain)tomorrow,we___go)to the park.


went to the mall because we wanted to闲逛) there.

2. after a day’s work , i just want to __放松)

3. -could you tell me你什么时候参观) the bamboo garden?

---the day after tomorrow, i think.

3. the new park is a great place for the family to


6. the boss asked jenny, “why are you always late for work?” 改为复合句) the boss asked jennylate for work.


第63课时英语导学案 sectionb 1a 2c unit 11 could you tell me where the restrooms are interest adj.interesting interested fascinate adj.fascinating fascinated e...


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