
发布 2022-08-05 23:24:28 阅读 2532

unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark.

本单元主要是学习used to 的运用,要求能用used to do sth 表达自己或朋友家人过去的外貌性格爱好等。

第1课时 sectiona1a-2c

学习目标】:1 会写,会读,会用本节课的重点单词短语。

2熟练运用used to do sth谈论自己、他人过去的习惯、爱好、形象及经常做的事情)。

3 能够听懂有关学习方法的简短对话。

4能运用used to 来谈论过去。

学习重难点】:1熟记重点单词短语。2正确使用used to




2 翻译下列短语。 对。。。感兴趣 be在游泳队里。

留卷头发hair 怕黑the dark 过去常常干某事。


导学1 i used to be afraid of the dark . used to do sth.过去常常做某事。

用于过去式中, 表示现在已不存在的习惯或状态。查阅资料,掌握used to的用法。

跟踪练习(1) heafter school. 放学后他过去常常踢足球。

(2) he他过去不吸烟。

3)he used to play football. (改为一般疑问句,再回答)

4)they used to be workers反意疑问句)

拓展:be/get used to doing sth 意思是习惯做某事;

be used to do sth和be used for doing sth表示被用来做什么。

导学2 you used to be short, didn’t you? 复习反意疑问句,完成练习:

lily will go to chinashe doesn’t come from china

you h**en’t finished homeworkhe knows little english

导学3 don’t you remember me?区别下面两句的意思:

跟踪练习 (1) 我记得给花浇过水了。

2) 昨天他们忘了锁门。

导学4 but now i’m more interested in … be interested in sth/doing sth.对某事/做某事感兴趣=take/h**e /show an interest in sth/doing sth.

跟踪练习hemath, but he isn’t interested in __english.


interested adj. 感兴趣的,指人对某事物感兴趣,主语是人。

interesting adj.有趣的,指某事物/某人具有趣味,主语往往是物。

导学5 i am on the swim team. be on the swim team:是游泳俱乐部一员。

总结:on的不同用法:turn on打开(电器、电源等);on tv通过电视;on the swim team在游泳队;on monday morning在星期一早上




3两人一组谈论过去的外表、性格等及与现在的不同。例如:i used to be short, but now i am tall.

(用quiet ,shy/outgoing, h**e straight hair/h**e curly hair等谈论p10(1a) )

3 listening (通过听力1b,2a,2b 进一步巩固目标语言used to do sth.)

4学习词汇 :几天a couple of days 和某人在一起be with sb. 过去个子矮used to be short 好记性great memory **眼镜contact lenses 等一等wait a minute

5 课堂小结:回顾本课:还有什么疑问? 学到了什么?


检测反馈】 (教师寄语: 相信自己,你一定能行! )

单项选择。1. he is afraid of __strangers.

a. see b. seeing c. saw d. seen

2 guo jingjing isthe national swim team.

a. on b. to c. in d. both a and c

3 li tie plays __soccer in england.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

4 heh**e to)stay at home and look after his mother

5 sorry,i forgotclean) the room. i will do it at once.


1 lucy used to h**e straight hair.(改为一般疑问句。

2 she used to work very late. (改为否定句。

3 your uncle used to work in a factory完成反意疑问句)

4 i used to play the piano after school. (画线部分提问。

5 she shows an interest in his speech.(改为同义句)

shehis speech. /shehis speech.


中考链接】1. uncle wang __a worker and he is seventy now.

a. uses to b. used to c. used to be d. was used to

2. when i was a child, i used to __chocolate.

a. liking b. like c. liked d. likes

3work in microsoft?

a. did you used to b. did you use to c. do you used to d. do you use to

4. wherelive before you came here?

a. did you used to b. did you use to c. use he to d. he used to

5. my sister used to h**e long hair

a. used she b. didn’t she c. h**e she? d. did she

第2课时:section a 3a--4


2完成学习3a,3b; part4 pair work.。


4实际运用used to

学习重难点】: 1熟记重点单词短语。

2进一步掌握used to并运用。




青松岭中学九年级 上 英语导学案 no.9 2 2 质检部签字学科组长签字。课题unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark section a 2 scetion b 1 编制人 刘英 编制时间 使用时间 班级 组 号 姓名 学习目标 1.会读并掌握12 13页单词...


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九年级英语导学案第二单元SsectionA 2

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