
发布 2022-08-05 23:22:28 阅读 7186

lesson 11. to china ,with love

仍然是;保持不变2决定3最坏的(地) 4环境;条件5**6医学的;医疗的7北方的;北部的。

1、in 1916,norman bethune graduated from the university of toronto.

i graduated in english.

eg.(1)我的朋友毕业于北京大学。my friendbeijing university.

2)刘梅毕业于中文系。 liu meichinese

(3)the scientist graduatedtsinghua university. a. in c .on

(4).did youphysics.(物理系)?

in b. graduate in from from

2..he also invented tools that remain in use today. he is the man that i visited yesterday.

eg.(1).昨天晚上我们看的电影棒极了。the movielast night was fantastic .

2) most students like the teachers___understand them well .

d .when

注;在定语从句中,当先行词为人时,引导词用who或 that。当先行词为物时,引导词用which或that。

3、.in 1938,he made a decision to go to northern china.

she decided to help me with my english yesterday.

eg.(1) lucy has made a___to go decide

2)it was very hard for me to make a___but i decided __my job.

to le**e to le**e le**e le**e

am afraid you h**e made a wrong __决定)。

bad weather it was !we decide __out . go to go not go going

3born, canada,who ,in ,was (连词成句。

showed me howmake) a delicious dish.

lesson 12: guess my hero!

n 迷。 智力游戏以。为基础用作动词或介词的宾语)谁。







whom anyboday chemistry government medical

1. a: for __is this book written? b: it's written for young kids.

****** great efforts to help peoplelive better.

3. i don't want to be __else . i just want to be myself.

4. many __teams enterd wenchan after the earthquake .

experiments, interesting things can happen.

liu asked us to make crossword puzzles based on facts about our heroes. 注;(1)base on 以···为根据。常用于base a on b.

“a以b为根据”(2)be based on 常用于a be based on b.“a以b为根据”

eg.(1). you should base your opinion on facts.你的意见应该以事实为根据。

(2 ) 那部电视剧是根据现实生活写成的。the tv playreal life .

pron.(用作动词或介词的宾语)谁 whom were you talking?你在跟谁说话?

练习 (1).do you know __i saw yesterday ? it was my f**ourite star ,jackie!

b .when

2)withdid you talk just now ?a. when

3)the woman __you talked with at the school gate is our new maths teacher.

b. which d. what

said that this person was the same age as them. she wants to buy the same blouse as i h**e.

answer is the same as his.

注:the same +名词+as;the same as.与···一样。

反义词组;be different from. 练习1、i will buy the same coat __yours. c .

as2、我的生活方式和你的不一样。my way of lifeyours.

1.(1)base on 以···为根据。常用于base a on b.“a以b为根据”(2)be based on 常用于a be based on b.“a以b为根据”


same +名词+as;the same as.与···一样。反义词组;be different from.

1、我们讨论了全球变暖。wethe global warming .

shoes are the same colour___theirs.

c .as

years __he became very famous.

d .after

are many___hero) in the history.

wouldn’t,famous, my,be ,anybody(连词成句)

lesson 13 be careful, danny!





it beautiful ?.难道它不漂亮吗?don’t you like english ?

yes , it is .不,它漂亮。 no, it isn’t .对,它不漂亮。


eg. (1)__you know english ?难道你不懂英语吗?


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