
发布 2022-08-05 23:18:28 阅读 5100


unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark.

section b

课型:新授执笔: mr. huang 审稿:九年级英语组时间:2012.8.10.

教学目标:1. 继续学习掌握used to 的一般疑问句及否定句的运用。

2. 能够针对所听语段内容记录简单信息。

3. 重点短语:

1)chew gum a lot 经常咀嚼口香糖 (2) chat with… 和…聊天

3)cause trouble/problems 惹麻烦 (4)spend time doing 花时间做… (5)afford to do 负担得起 (6)gym class 体操课。

7)speak in front of a group 在人群面前讲话

8)in the last few years 在过去的几年里。

预习指导:1. 根据音标朗读并背记单词。

2. 试着完成1a和1b 。

3. 阅读 2a 2b,为听力练习做准备。

4. 阅读3a,填写**,并试着完成3b.

教学过程。1. 展示教学目标。

2. 导入新课: 向学生提问,“what do you like now ?

what about the past ?what did you use to do when you were a child?

3. 做2a听力练习,完成**,并做2c练习。

4.检查学生3a 3b预习情况。

5.讲解语法要点, 重点是used to do sth, be used to do sth和be/get used to doing sth 的用法及区别。



)1.—can you catch what i said? —sorry, i can understand it.

) h**e been ill for a couple of afraid i h**e lots of lessons.

) uncle about three hours mending his car.

) great changes in my hometown in the last ten years.

been been

)5.—lookoh, her new look looks smarter.

is that? has changed her hairstyle.

you remember me? tall the girl is!

)6. she used to __with her parents, but now she is used to __with her classmates at school.

a. live; living live living live

)7. he used to __in a small village, but now he has been used to __in the big city.

a. live; living live live

)8. mrs green __go to hospital, but now she is in good health.

a. has to to to to

)9. my mother is used toup early to cook breakfast for us.

a. get b. geting c. getting d. gets

) are used tomeals. we chinese are used to

them.a. eat, use b. eating , using c. eat, using d. eating , use


children are (terrify) of snakes.

flies and spiders are all (insect).

3. (chat) with my grandma is relaxing to me.

you tell us (exact) what you want to do?

the children tom is the (old).


you walk to school now?

i just don’t h**e time anymore.

you like eating candy now?

you use to ride a bike when you were free?

about you?

maria:did you use to eat candy?

peter:yes, i did.


peter:no, i don’t.2.

maria:me?i enjoy eating candy all the i used to watch tv a lot.

peter:so did you use to spend much time in playing computer games?

maria:yes, i did.3. i used to walk to about you?

peter:i used to go to school by now i like walking to school.4.

maria:no, i ride a bike to school every day.5.

peter:of course i did.

nothing is difficult to the man who will try.


九年级英语导学案第二单元SsectionA 2

人和中学九年级英语导学案。unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark.section a 3a 4 课型 新授执笔 mr.huang 审稿 九年级英语组时间 2012.8.10.教学目标 1.能够使用used to 谈论自己的过去与现在。2.培养学生的语言运用能力。...


unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark.本单元主要是学习used to 的运用,要求能用used to do sth 表达自己或朋友家人过去的外貌性格爱好等。第1课时 sectiona1a 2c 学习目标 1 会写,会读,会用本节课的重点单词短语。2熟练运用us...


青松岭中学九年级 上 英语导学案 no.9 2 2 质检部签字学科组长签字。课题unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark section a 2 scetion b 1 编制人 刘英 编制时间 使用时间 班级 组 号 姓名 学习目标 1.会读并掌握12 13页单词...