
发布 2022-08-05 23:17:28 阅读 6499

九年级英语15 单元学案导学。

一. 课前复习巩固。


词汇。1.手巾,毛巾2.浇灌,浇水3. 木头,木材___

4. 点燃,点着5. 农场6. 打击,碰撞___


**10.南方的11. 村民,乡村居民___


写中文。forward to___

词组。15.清除16.有朝一日17. 离开,走开___






单项选择。 ) h**e __chores to do but they h**e __time.

a. so many; so little b. so little; so many

c. so many; so many d. so much; so little

( )the work so far.

a. h**e finished b. finishes c. will finish d. finished

( )h**e never been to the great wall

a. do you b. don’t you c. h**e you d. h**en’t you

( )4. please go to the station to __when the train to beijing starts to le**e.

a. find for b. look for c. find out d. find

( )5h**e you been in china?

-for about two years.

a. how long b. how often c. how soon d. how far

( )6. h**e you __the young trees? no. i will do it this afternoon.

a. watered b. to water c. watering d. to be watered

( )7. who __our classroom? it is very clean now.

a. is cleaning b. will clean c. has cleaned out d. clean out

二。 课堂练习单选。

) green said___everything went well .

a. that b. this c. these d. those

)2. h**e you finished___the book ?

a. read b. to read c. reading d. reads

)3( )they wanted to know___with his nose .

a. what is wrong b. what wrong is c. happy d. more happy

)4. last sunday, children played___in the park.

a. happy b. happier c. happily d. more happy

)5. they should keep___in the reading---room.

a. quiet b. quietly c. quite d. quickly

)6. it is important___***** to s**e the trees.

a. recycle b. to recycle c. recycled d. recycling

)7. i couldn’t believe___i saw.

a. who b. how c. what d. when

)8. their classroom___every day.

a. was cleaned b. is cleaned c. is cleaning d. clean

)9. this pair of socks is made___nylon.

a. of b. by c. from d. in

)10. when your hometown___you may watch tv.

a. is done b. are done c. h**e done d. will be done

)11. -will it be fine this afternoon?

---i think

a. it b. that d. this

)12. you look so tired, you’d better

a. stops working b. stop to work c. stop working d. stops to work

)13. ann is my pen---friend. i alwaysher.

a. hear b. receive c. hear from d. hear to

)14. the stamp is usedletters.

a. for send b. to sending c. send d. hear to

)15. that starby a chinese hundreds of years ago.

a. discovered b. invented c. was discovered d. was invented




1.复习一些语法:现在进行时、一般现在时、用used to表示一般过去时、现在完成时、一般过去时的被动语态。







词汇。称, 称……重量 __磅极小的,微小的词语,表达build的过去式___拉,拖___行星社团,社会多余的___模型___


aggressive___gray___spotted __kangaroochimpanzee___habitat___polluted___underwatersuitable___educate___recycle___stuff___roof___recentlypresidentdiscardglue___


九年级15单元英语导学案 石淑华

九年级英语导学案 unit 15 一 重点词汇。称磅极小的。表达拉行星。社会空闲的模型。生意塑料确实地。骄傲的旗帜。二 重点短语。1.be endangered 濒临灭绝 endangered animals 濒临灭绝的动物。2.as you can see 正如你所见。3.ten feet lon...


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