
发布 2022-07-31 02:06:28 阅读 2128

unit 15 we’re trying to s**e the manatees

第3课时: section a (p120)


学习重点: 用自己的话描述动物。

学习难点: 阅读理解。


教学过程:一.课前准备认真预习课本p120,试着理解3a,3b 中的文章。


合作交流 1)快速阅读3a,把不理解的单词划出来


what disadvantages of the zoo does the writer mention?

3)合作完成3b, part4.

what advantages of the zoo does the writer mention


1 against介词必须和be或其它动词一起用,表示“与……对抗” 反义词 for “支持---

our school played against k high school at baseball.

we are for peace and against war



make a visit to……(参观,访问be on a visit to……(正在参观/访问中) go on a visit to……(去访问,去参观)

this is my first visit to beijingmr. brown is on a visit to china.

3. keep的用法,keep doing sth. 意思是继续不断的做某事,一直做某事。

the baby kept crying until his mother came back.


1)keep+adj. “保持某种状态”you must keep quiet in the library.

2)keep+sb/sth +表地点的介词短语。“让---一直在某地” you’d better keep the chicken in the fridge.

3)keep sb,/ doing sth.意思是防止某人/某物做某事。

the policemen kept the children form crossing the road when it was dangerous.

4) keep on doing sth.意思是反复做某事。 don’t keep on shouting at me.


一) 单项选择。

1she’s quiet and little shy

a. what’s she like b. what does she like c.

what does she look like d. what do you like her

hospital is a place .

a. where animals and plans living b. in where animals and plans live

c. which animals and plans live d. where animals and plants live

very strange that he didn’t feelsurprise) at all after hearing the (surprise) news.

this medicine ,then you’ll feel better.

a. twice a day one day every day times each day

5. known to everyone that beijing has held the 2008 olympic games.

is 二) 句型转换。

endangered animals are looked after in the zoo.(改为同义句)

some endangered animals areof in the zoo.

are trying to s**e the manatees .(对画线部分提问)

are people trying

seems that polar bears are gentle animals.(改为同义句)

polar bears seemsgentle animals.

三) 从方框中选择适当的单词,并用其正确的形式填入句子中。有些选项是多余的。

people are worried about theanimals.

you evera zoo before?

think zoos areplaces for animals to live.

and some dangerous animalsin cages in the zoo.

necessarythe zoo.

zoo is atextbook for us.

tv programpeople to protect the environment.

large animals canmove in the cage.



unit 15 we re trying to s e the manatees 第1,2课时 section a p118 119 学习目标 1.学习有关环境保护的语言,使用简单的目标语言制作环境保护宣传海报。2.能掌握本节的表示动物名称的表达,注意听力获取信息的能力培养。学法指导 多用学过的词组...


unit 15 we re trying to s e the manatees 第4课时 section b p121 学习目标 能理解并掌握本课出现的语言点和语法内容。学习重点 听力训练。学习难点 听力训练。学法指导 掌握通过听力获取特别信息的能力特别重要,角色扮演及现场模拟有利于学生在真实环境...

人教版九年级unit15 sectiona 知识点

unit 15 we re trying to s e the manatees section a 多久一次,常用来问频率。表示频率的副词有always,usually,often,sometimes at times,seldom,hardly,never等。短语有 once a day wee...