
发布 2022-07-31 01:46:28 阅读 7964

九年级英语unit 13 rainy days make me sad section a(1a-2c)导学案。



二)能力目标:正确运用”make sb. do”和 “make sth.

\sb. +adj”句式,学会比较分析不同事物的优缺点,用所学的目标语言简单谈论或询问事物对人的影响,或人对某一件事或物的看法。



1. awful pictures2. loud music

3. soft music4. quiet music

5. 宁可做某事6. 我也是。

7. 我同意8. 等待某人。

9. make sb tense10. make sb sleepy

11. 如此…以致12. 使某人不舒服。

13. 使某人想要离开14. 和某人玩得开心。


1. rainy days make me sad

2. loud music always make me want to le**e

3. 吵杂的**使我紧张。

4. 等她使我生气。


1. money makes the mare(母马) go

2. make a long story short



1. listen to different kinds of music and tell me how do you feel about them?

2. show different kinds of pictures such as delicious food, playing computer games, rainy days and doing homework and tell me how you feel about them.

you can answer like this: it makes me excited/ relaxed, happy, comfortable,

3. talk about the survey before class:

a: how do you feel about …?

b: it makes me …

as you see, different things, different feelings. environment influences a lot.


1. talk about the picture in 1a. think about the following questions:

what can you see?

how do you feel about the things in these two restaurants? are the same? what are the differences?

which restaurant do you prefer to go? why?

which restaurant do you prefer not to go? why not?

2. listen 1b

3. do you agree with amy’s and tina’s opinions in the chart? what is your opinion?

4. guess and give the reasons:

5. talk about the four pictures and listen to 2a 2b


good environment helps us a lot! let’s be a designer!

sweet “home” –our new classroom

welcome to our sweet home. it’s a blue classroom. we like blue.

it makes us relaxed. we h**e some nice pictures on the wall. they are about the ocean.

it seems that we are studying in the blue ocean. it makes us excited.


)1.—what kind of weather do you like?

i likedays because they make me

a.snow, excitedb.snowy, exciting

c.snow, excitingd.snowy, excited

)2.i don’t like these awful pictures. they make me

a.pleased b.sad c.relaxed d.excited

)3. i would ratherto small stores to buy something because big supermarkets are crowded with people.

a.going b.go c.to god.went

)4.loud music always makes us

a.want danceb.to want dance

c.want to danced.to want to dance

)5his new sunglassestony look mysterious.

a.wears, makeb.wears, makes

c.wearing, maked.wearing, makes

)6.as students, we are supposed to spend more time

a.study b.studied c.studying d.to study

( )7.i am sorry that i h**e kept youme so long.

a.waiting b.waiting for c.to waitd.to wait for

)8.—mom, i want to buy this book. it is good and not too

let me see...it is really a useful dictionary. and the price is

a.high, lowb.expensive, cheap

c.high, cheapd.expensive, low

二)能力提高题: 根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。

1)我宁愿呆在家里。 iat home.

2) 跟看电视比起来我更喜欢打篮球。



3). 轻柔的**使我感到轻松。

music __me __

music __me



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