
发布 2022-08-12 23:17:28 阅读 8819

period 1(page 102-103)


part i. 根据汉语提示将句子补充完整。

1. the soft music makes me轻松的)

2. lucy made many __in yesterday’s test. (错误)

3. loud music makes me want跳舞)

4. they spend a lot of time吃) their meals.

5. everyone should learn how to运用) their knowledge.

part. 完成听力练习,回答下列问题。

1. do they like the food in the rockin’ restaurant?

2. does amy like the atmophere in the rockin’ restaurant?

3. what makes amy sad in that restaurant?

4. how does tina feel when she hears soft music?.





tina and her friends really like music, but they like different music. tina doesn’t like loud music because it makes her tense.

period 2(page 96)


part.仔细阅读教材section a中3a然后翻译。

1. 餐馆经营者必须要知道如何食物和如何赚钱。

2. 红色使人们生气。

3. 柔和的颜色比如说粉色或者浅蓝能使人放松。

4. 很多餐馆,尤其是快餐店,运用这种知识使顾客加快吃饭的速度。

part.读section a中3a部分,然后回答下列问题。

1.when people see the color red, how will they beh**e?

2.what can make food look bad?

3.can customers sit for a long time in a fast food restaurant?



period 3(page 105-106)


part. 预习下列广告语,思考推销的产品是何物。

1. whiter than white

2. for the shiniest hair ever

3. for that mysterious look

4. for silky skin



period 4(page 106-107)


part. 完成句子,按照括号里的提示完成句子。

1. in modern world广告铺天盖地)

2. some people like ads, but其他的人讨厌它们)

3. many adsat __主要目标在青少年身上)

4. ads also tell you when stores are正在进行**)


instance , ads can help you to compare two different products(同义句)

for instance , ads can __you___two different products

2. ads can also help you s**e money. you can buy the things with the lowest price.(把两句合成一句)

3. the picture in an ad looks a lot better than the real thing.(同义句)

the picture in an ad looksbetter than the real thing.

4. at times, an as can lead you to buy a product. you don’t need the product (把两句合成一句)


unit 13 rainy days make me sad.主备人使用人审核人。一。教学内容 unit 13 rainy days make me sad.二。学习目标。1.学习谈论事物对你的影响。通过理解句意,了解使役动词make后跟动词原形或形容词作宾语补足语的用法,通过练习和运用加以巩固。2...


九年级unit 13 学案。第一课时section a 提前预习,英汉互译。1.the awful pictures 2.使我忧伤。3.make me kind of hungry 4.玩乐。5.paint the walls red 6.等候某人。7.how to make food 8.怎样赚钱...


unit13 1.s e the earth 拯救地球。2.noise pollution 噪音污染。3.solve the problem 解决问题。4.cut down 减少。5.be good for 对。有益。6.go shopping 去购物。7.make a difference 起作用...