
发布 2022-07-29 19:21:28 阅读 4677

课题:unit2 i used to be afraid of the darksection a 3a--4课型:展示提升课主备:


本节课的重点单词短语习2进一步掌握used to并运用。



指导。一、预习展示千里1过去常常;以前常常2乘飞机之行3入睡4独自、独处始于5在众人面前讲话6高处足下7 i’mthe dark我对黑暗感到很恐惧。8在…..前面。


task1】.预习section a 3a的内容,写出你、你的同桌过去和现在害怕牛刀小的东西或事情。试:

让 used to be afraid still afraid of(在我们展众人面前讲话)示一下 partner used to.预习的my partner is still afraid of(独处)内容【task2】用所给单词的适当形式填空吧!注。

mr turner used11(go)hshing in the countryside every was意:时his f**orite often fished for several hours without12(catch)间可是'有限的bag.“youmustgiveup13(fish),”hisfriendssaid.

“it'sawasteof呀!time.”“but they don't realize onet enjoy14(sit)in a boat anddoing nothing at can make me15(forget)the noise of the cityand 1ive quietly for some time.

“he always said to himself.11.12.


三、知识** .使害怕;使恐惧看看你【拓展】be terrified of意为“非常害怕的;极度恐惧的”,后跟。对课文。


跟踪训练】掌握如she used to be afraid of snakes(同义句转换)何?she used adj & adv.独自;单独你还有【拓展】短语1e**e/1et 意为“别打扰某人”。


跟踪训练】尽管我独自居住,但我并不感到孤独。果有,although i 1ive,i dont feel.请写下3i go to sleep with my bedroom light on.

我开着卧室的灯睡觉。来【辨析】go to bed/go to sleep/sleep/asleep___拓展】“with+名词+介词/形容词”结构,在句中作状语,表示伴随状况。__跟踪训练】__don't rum on the 三、知识反馈ⅰ.

根据旬意及首字母提示完成单词 uto be late for schoo1,didn't he? 1ike about(she)?可ⅱ.

用所给单词的适当形式填空不's afraid of(swim)in the river.要 was(terrify)of the dark.小 you afraid of(be)alone?

瞧ii.单项选择了() don't 1ike to go to sleepthe 1ight on.这。

些。) teacher often tells us not to be afraid ofmistakes.细微() brother is good at football,and he ishis schoo1 team.

的考() used tolate,but nom i am used toearly.点 up;get up;getting up啊!

up;get up;getting up一。

) hardly has time for party,he?定''要细【课堂延伸】心在本节课中你还有什么不明白的问题,还有什么没有掌握的知识,请记啊录下来课后反思。


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