九年级英语试卷 一 2

发布 2022-07-29 19:18:28 阅读 4395

一. 根据中文注释,写出单词的正确形式,每空填一词。 10’

1. qi baishi is one of the greatest艺术家).

2. blue represents悲伤).

3. mr zhang has many个人的) qualities.

4. she is too困倦的) to open her eyes.

5. do you often practise讲)english?

6. we are all惊讶的) at this news.

7. he had nothing别的) to tell you.

8. we can’t make a决定) to go there or not.

9. please归还) the book to him soon.

10. you mustn’t give up学习) .

二,翻译下列词组 10’






三.选择 15’

) 1. his failing in the exams again made him

a. feeling sadly b. to feel sad c. feel sadly d. feel sad

) 2. the he**y rain made __for them to finish planting the tree on time.

a. it possible b. it impossible c. that possible d. that impossible

) 3. the train will arrive intwo hours.

a. other b. another c. the other d. the others

) 4. hurry up ! we’ve onlyminutes left.

a. a little b. a few c. little d. few

) 5. mary isgirl.

a. a so clever b. a such clever c. so a clever d. such a clever

) 6. we spend as much time as we canenglish.

a. read b. to read c. reading d. h**e read

) 7. “don’t be late for class again, tom.” sorry, i

a. don’t b. am not c. won’t d. wasn’t

) 8. i don’t like people talk too __but do

a. much, little b. little, much c. many, little d. many, few

) 9of the students has an english exercise book.

a. none b. both c. all d. every

)10. thereanybody in the room. the door is locked.

a. can be not b. can’t h**e c. can’t be d. be can’t

)11. the pair of trousersvery nice.

a. look like b. looks c. looks like d. look

)12. there is nobody in the room

a. is there b. isn’t there c. there is d. there isn’t

)13. i __you to go fishing with me tomorrow.

a. hope b. want c. let d. make

)14. many of the starsbecause they are too far away.

a. can’t see b. don’t see c. can’t be seen d. aren’t seeing

) 15. “must i finish the work today?”

no, you

a. mustn’t b. don’t c. can’t d. needn’t+

四.句型转化。 10’

1. the woman didn’t know how she could get to the hospital(改成同义句)

the woman didn’t knowto the hospotal.

2. she didn’t tell me anything. (改成同义句)

sheme3. she was so weak that she couldn’t take care of her baby. (改成同义句)

she was __weakcare of her baby.

4. you are practical enough to do all the work. (改成同义句)

practicalyou to do all the work.

五.动词填空。 10’

1. do you keepwrite) diaries ?

2. would you mindopen) the door.

3. she doesn’t know what colourswear).

4. the students are busyget) ready for the coming exams.

5. shestay) here since last year.

6. therebe ) a class meeting next week.

7. our teachers advise usnot argue) with others.

8. in the old days farmers were madedo) hard work.

9. this machineinvent) by that man in 2002.

10. she likes singing and we often hear hersing).

六.翻译下列句子。 15’

1. 在阳光下看书对你的眼睛有害。

2. 他宁愿呆在家也不愿出去。

3. 这台电视机有问题。

4. 假如不起作用,你可以拿回你的钱。

5. **黑的人穿红色好看。

七. 完型填空。 10’

as we all know, swimming is very popular in summer. people enjoy swimming in summer because water makes___1___cool. if you like swimming but you swim in a __2___place, it may not be safe.

these years , more than ten people __3___while they were enjoying themselves in the water and __4___of them were students. but some people are __5___not careful in swimming. they often think they swim so __6___that nothing can happen to them in water.

summer is here again. if you go swimming in summer, remember __7___better swimmers h**e died in water. they died because they were not careful, not because they __8___swim.

so don’t get into water when you are alone. _9___there is a “no swimming” sign, don’t get into water, _10___if you remember these, swimming will be safer.

九年级英语试卷 一

一 根据中文注释,写出单词的正确形式,每空填一词。10 1.qi baishi is one of the greatest艺术家 2.blue represents悲伤 3.mr zhang has many个人的 qualities.4.she is too困倦的 to open her eye...

九年级英语每日一练 2

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1九年级英语周周清试卷 2

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