九年级英语每日一练 2

发布 2022-07-29 19:37:28 阅读 6261


unit 1

1. how qtime passed. i’ve been in new york for three months.

2. do you know the sto the problem ?

3. tom’s face turned red when he rhis mistake.

4. einstein was said to be a slow lin his childhood.

5. there are many words that h**e more than one p

6. 所有的孩子听说那个消息后都变得兴奋起来。

7. 我害怕在课堂上和外教用英语交谈。

8. 你编的那个故事确实很有趣。

9. 我根本就听不懂你刚才所说的话。

10. 当你遇到生词时,可以查这本字典。

unit 2

1. he likeschew) gum while playing football.

2. he wasterrify ) by what you said just now.

3. the he**y work really made mestress ) out.

4. i am only interested insit) in a boat and doing nothing.

5. tony is one of the beststudent ) in our class.

6. 他已经下定决心努力学习。

7. 请你不要再与其他人发生冲突,好吗?

8. 你最好把烟戒了。

9. 我听说他们不再住这儿了。

10. 我过去怕在众人面前说话。

unit 3

1. he has got his driving land he can drive now.

2. she is busy at pand can’t speak to you now.

3. mr brown has taught for many years so he has much ein teaching.

4. anyone can see the iof good health.

5. i had asked him about it many times but he didn’t r

6. 你认为学校的那些规定应该改变?

7. 不要熬夜,那对你的身体有害。

8. 他不会让感情妨碍自己的工作。

9. 如果你想把英语说得更好,就应该尽可能多练习。

10. 该轮到你洗餐具了。

unit 4

1. you are clever and hard-working ,so i’m cof your success.

2. i think yi zhongtian is a kteacher . he always has many interesting stories to tell.

3. there are many books on the s

4. i asked him to help me ,but he rthis made me very angry.

5. that is a feasy book , and i think he can read it.

6. 这件事一点儿也没有打扰他。

7. 你不会使我失望的,是吗?

8. 托德很快想出了那道题的答案。

9. 你应该吃足够的蔬菜,因为他们对你的健康有好处。

10. 不经允许,任何人不得把书带出图书馆。

unit 5

1. 他现在可能正在打排球。

2. 他肯定在花园里散步。

3. 这个mp5可能是tony的,因为他喜欢听流行**。

4. 这个发带不可能是鲍勃的,他是个男孩。

5. 那个男孩一定在跑步锻炼。

6. 我们老师不可能在办公室,我刚才在图书馆看到了他。

7. 那人说昨天有三只猴子从当地的动物园逃跑了。

8. 今天早上他没有赶上早班公共汽车。

) questions iseasy , and all the students can answer it.

a. too much b. too many c. much too d. many too

) year the villagers h**e produced __rice __they did two years ago.

a. less, than b. as less, as c. fewer, than d. as few , as

unit 6

1. 这件连衣裙正适合我。

2. 老实说,汉堡包和薯条是垃圾食品。

3. 我喜欢自己写歌词并谱曲的歌手。

4. 和网友见面很危险,你应该和他们保持距离。

5. 你可以吃些烤肉,它尝起来味道不错。

6. 这几年,我学了3000多个新单词。

7. 我不敢肯定期待什么,因为我从未看过一部印度电影。

8. 无论你做什么,都不要半途而废。

9. mary and peter got married . this is the __news that i got from bob just now.

a. late b. later c. latest d. most lastest

prefer __my homework rather than __such a boring film.

a. do, see b. to do , see c. doing, seeing d. to do, to see

unit7 ) 1. -is your father a party member ?

yes, he __the party three years ago . he___a party member for three years .

a. has joined; has beenb. joined ; has been

c. joined ;wasd. was joined; is

) 2. -whose book is that on the desk ? it’s not mine . it’s

a. someone elseb. someone else’s

c. someone other’sd. someone’s other

) 29 th olympic gamesin beijing in 2008.

a . is held b was hold. c. will be holdd. was held

) 4.-we can use qq to talk with others online.

good ! will you please show meit?

a. what to use b. how to use c. when to use d. where to use

)5. many teenagers enjoy the book harry potterby rowling.

a. written b. was written c. wrote d. who was written.






unit8 ) 1. -h**e you finished your composition yet? -sorry.

i’ll finish it in __ten minutes.

a. anotherb. more c. otherd. else

)2.—h**e you found the information about bill gates___you can use for the report? —not yet.

i’ll search some on the internet

a. whob. whatc. whom d. which

)3.— they say there’s a new clothes store nearby

yes, and it___for no more than two weeks.

a. has been open b. has been opened c. is opening opened

) do not h**e a partnerenglish

a. practice, with b. to practice, with c. practice,/ d. to practice,/

) is nice __jimme with my english study.


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九年级数学寒假每日一练 2

一 选择题。1 图3 1是由5个大小相同的正方体摆成的立方体图形,它的主视图是图3 2中的。2 已知 abc如图2 1所示。则与 abc相似的是图2 2中的。3.如图,已知矩形abcd沿着直线bd折叠,使点c落在c 处,bc 交ad于e,ad 8,ab 4,则de的长为。a.3 b.4 c.5 d....