
发布 2022-07-29 19:16:28 阅读 6280






听力部分。 听对话和问题,选择正确答案。对话和问题读两遍。你将有10秒钟的时间完成有关小题和阅读下一小题。 (共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

1. abc.

3. a. coffeeb. milkc. a cup of tea

4. a. jim will take grandma to hospital.

b. aunt zhang is ill and she can’t look after the baby.

c. jim will help aunt zhang to look after the baby.

5. a. on the rightb. next to the bookstore. c. next to the post office.

听短文,完成下列任务。(共10小题,每小题1分, 共10分)


a. it’s easy to buy things on the internet

b. people may worry about the qualities

c. shopping on line has become a fashion

d. they were either too small or too big

e. it can help you to s**e time


11. do many students start shopping online?

a. yes, they dob. no, they don’t. c. sorry, i don’t know.

12. what does the writer think of shopping online?

a. it has many advantages.

b. it has many disadvantages.

c. it has both advantages and disadvantages.

13. according to the passage, where can people buy things with lower prices?

a. shops on the internet b. shops in real life. c. things with poor qualities.

14. what was wrong with the dresses the writer bought last summer?

a. she doesn’t like the colors. b. they are not in the right size. c. both a&b.

15. who thinks we can’t buy original clothes on line?

a. the writerb. maryc. the writer and mary

笔试部分。一、单选 (每题1分,共25分)

1. there is __picture on __wall. i like __picture very much.

a. a, the, the b. a, the, a c. the, a, a d. a, an, the

2. the ring looks very nice. it was made __silver.

a. byb. inc. ofd. for

3. ben’s composition is almost perfect __several spelling mistakes.

a. besidesb. besidec. exceptd. except for

4. these books must belong to __means “these books must be __

a. their, them b. their, theirs c. them, theird. them, theirs

5. the __of new technology is to make life easier, not to make it more difficult.

a. troubleb. honorc. purposed. position

6. i am sure cindy will be able to find the hotel. she has a pretty good __of direction.

a. ideab. popularityc. tasted. sense

7. _stones were put together in a certain way.

a. two hundreds b. two hundred of c. hundreds of d. hundred of

8. -where’s jenny?

-- i’m not sure. she __in the school library.

a. maybeb. must bec. may bed. will be

9. you’ll certainly feel lonely __you communicate with your friends sometimes.

a. unlessb. thoughc. ifd. when

10. it’s __to make milk shake than to make jiaozi.

a. much easyb. easiestc. the easiestd. much easier

11. -h**e all the students known that we will h**e an english exam this saturday?

---yes. every student __about it.

a. tellsb. toldc. was toldd. has told

12. he drives in he**y traffic every morning. he’s tired of __a place __

a. finding out, to park his carb. finding, to park his car in

c. looking, to park his car atd. looking for, to park his car

13. children these days __their parents too much. they should learn how to look after themselves.

a. get onb. keep onc. fight ond. depend on

14. in this hotel, we h**e two rooms to live in, but we can’t decide __

a. chose which one b. to choose which onec. which one to choose d. which one to chose

15. the fish on the table __i want to eat it right now.

a. smells good b. smells badc. smells welld. smells badly

16. after class, students __clean the chalk off the blackboard.

a. was excepted to b. are supposed to c. are important to d. was polite to

17. we'll never give up working on the experiment (实验difficult it is.


注意 请同学们把选择题的答案写在第最后一张的答题卡上,对准题号,只交最后一张,其余试卷自己保管好。第一部分听力理解 一 共两节,满分15分 第一节 共5小题 每小题1分,满分5分 听下面5段对话,从题中所给的3个选项中选出与其意思相符的 听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟 听完后,各...


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