
发布 2020-02-23 08:15:28 阅读 2354





1. what is the man doing?

2. where does the conversation take place?

3. what sport does jim like best?

4. which map is right?

5. what are they talking about?




6. what does emma want to borrow at first?

a. jim’s rulerb. jim’s red penc. jim’s red pencil.

7. what day is it today?

a. it’s fridayb. it’s mondayc. it’s saturday.


8. why is sam going to sydney?

a. because he wants to spend his holiday there.

b. because he wants to look for a good job there.

c. because he wants to visit some good friends there.

9. how many times has sam been there?

a. onceb. twicec. never.

10. how will sam go there?

a. by airb. by trainc. by sea.


11. why does the woman want to sell her house?

a. she doesn’t like her houseb. she wants to buy a bigger one.

c. she wants to buy a house in the country.

12. how much is the new house?

a. $800b. $8,000c. $80,000.


13. what did d**id do after the class was over?

a. went back home. b.

drew a sun on the wall. c. watched his teacher drawing on the wall.

14. what did d**id find on the wall after the teacher left?

a. he found a sunb. he found nothing. c. he found a picture.

15. where most probably was d**id’s drawing at last?

a. it was on the wall. b.

it was on d**id’s back. c. it was taken away by his teacher.



( )1.--may i watch tv now,mum?

-no,you___you___do your homework first.

must can

) do what we can___you with your english study.

help helped

)3. he looks sad. let’s __

a. cheer he up b. cheer him in c. cheer him up d. cheer up him

)4. -how about going hiking this weekend?

-sorry, i prefer __rather than __

a. to stay at home, go out b. to go out, stay at home

c. staying at home, go out d. going out, stay at home

) tv needs___

repair repaired be repaired

)6.--do you know when he___to anqing tomorrow?

-i’m not sure,but when he___i will tell you.

come,will come come,comes

)7. the two men walkedthe forest and got to a small house.

a. across b. through c. crossing d. over

)8. this book __lucy’s. look! her name is on the book cover.

a. mustn’t beb. may be c. can’t be d. must be

)9weather it is today! let’s go out for a walk.

a: how fine b: what fine a fine d. how a fine

)10. he has a friend who __the piano very well .

a. play b. playing c. plays d. played

)11.- joseph wants to know___because he’ll pay a visit to her.

a. where does tina liveb. where is tina from

c. where is tinad. where tina lives

)12. i love the places there is very warm .

a. which b. who c. where d. when

)13 a neighbour helped to keep our dog. it __while we were on holiday.

a. was taken careb. tookcare of

c. is taken care ofd. was taken care of

)14. if i __you, i __the army.

a, was , would join b. were ,would join c. am, will join d. were ,will join

)15 we __here two hours ago . we___here for two hours .

a. h**e arrived , h**e been b. h**e come , h**e been

c. came , h**e comed. arrived , h**e been


amy parents took me to japan when i was little. i lived there for five years. 1 i came back, my japanese was very good.

“can i do something useful with my japanese?” i asked myself. then, one day last spring, i got a good opportunity(机会).

everyone was afraid of sars, so i stayed at home with 2 to do. my father brought me a japanese book. “why don’t you translate(翻译) it into chinese?

it will be better than 3 computer games all day.” i promised(许诺) to do 2,000 words each day. but 4 i found it was hard to keep the promise.

one day in may, the weather was beautiful. but i couldn’t go out. those 2,000 words were still 5 me.

after translating only three pages, i already lost interest in the book. i looked at it for a long time. but i couldn’t make myself turn the pages.

how wished i could just go outside and 6 football with my friends! i counted the words again and again. i just wanted to give up.

i felt as if two people were fighting 7 my mind. one said, “don’t give up! keep working hard, and you’ll do well!

” but then the other one said, “go and play! it will be more 8 than translating. do your work tomorrow.

” i stood up and would 9 the computer. but then i remember 10 my parents had told me: “whatever you do, don’t stop halfway.

” so i sat down and went on with it.


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