
发布 2021-04-04 14:10:28 阅读 7967


注意事项1. 本试卷有问卷8页,答卷2页,考试时间为120分钟,分值150分。

2. 考生要认真填写密封区内的学校、姓名、准考证号。

3. 答案写在答题卷的相应位置上,做在问卷上无效,注意卷面清洁。

4. 开考30分钟后放听力录音,听力只放一遍。

第i 卷(选择题共105分)






)6. a. well done. b. i hope so. c. i am sorry to hear that.

)7. a. thank you very much. b. come on. c. yes, please.

)8. a. sure, here you are. b. good idea! way .

)9. a. great! b. of course c. good luck!

)10. a. nice to meet you. b. yes, i’d love to. you later.



) did the man buy the watch?

a. in america. b. in france. c. in china.

) the matter with the man? he had a __

a. headache b. stomachache c. backache.

) does the boy like best?

a. the chinese teacher. b. the physics teacher. c. the math teacher.

) long has the man keep the bike?

a. 5 years b. 15 years d.10 years

)15. when will they h**e surprise party for nelly?

a. on monday sunday c. this friday.



)16. where did the man live?

a. in a village. b. in a city. c. in a factory.

)17. what couldn’t the old cat do?

a. sleep b. bite c. catch a mouse.

)18. how did the man feel when the mouse ran away?

a. angry. b. happy. c. afraid.

)19. how long did the cat work for the man?

a. several days. b. a few months. c. many years.

)20. when the man heard the cat’s word, he knows___

a. he was wrong. b. the cat is old. c. he was young.



) 21. -what __cold weather!

--yes, but it isunusual xperience for us ,we normally live in a hot place.

a. /a b. a; an c./;an d. a; the

) 22. -i h**e some trouble in learning english, can you give me some __

a. advices b. suggestion c. messages d. informations

) 23. -i need something for cutting the *****.

--oh, you want a knife? ok, i’ll get

a. it b. that c. this d. one

) 24. the number of the workers in this factory is over 20___and a fourth of them __always working during the night.

a. thousand; are b. thousands; are c. thousand; is d. thousands ;is

) 25. we often fly kites __windy days __spring

a. in; at b. on; to c. in; in d. on; in

) 26. though he has studiedat english for 10 months, he can stillspeak the language well.

a. hard; hard b. hardly; hardly c. hard; hardly d. hardly; hard

) 27. i don't h**e to introduce him to youyou know the boy.

a. until; b. unless c. if d. but

) 28. it rained he**ily this morning, but __of my classmates was late for school.

a. neither b. every c. none d. all

) 29. -hi, bruce. here is a letter for you.

-- thanks, i wonder

a. who that letter was from b. who was from that letter

c. who was that letter from d. who that letter from

) 30. young trees __well when the weather is dry.

a. were watered b. should be watered c. watered d. water

) 31. how time flies! three years __really a short time.

a. is b. are c. was d. were

) 32. -h**e you seen the movie ‘lang tuteng?’

--yes, it’s well worth __it’s such a moving movie that i’ve seen it twice.

a. seeing; so b. seeing; such c. to see; such d. to see; so

) 33. i’m not sure when the plane willand when it will land.

a. take off b. run off c. open up d. get off

) 34. ed is the first teacher __comes from america.

a. who b. that c. which d. whom

) 35. -so kind of you to give a ride to the station.

a. it doesn’t matter b. never mind c. don’t mention it d. my pleasure

vi. 情景交际从b栏中找出与a栏相对应的答语。(共5小题,每小题2分,共计10分)

)36. who taught you the new languagea. nobody, i learned by myself

)37. could you go shopping with me tomorrow? b. you could clean up the city parks.


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