九年级英语检测1 2

发布 2022-07-29 22:48:28 阅读 3820









9.在夜里10. 吃树叶。


13. 一个有趣的国家14. 讲一点儿法语。

15. 住在巴黎16. 快点给我写信。

18. 告诉某人关于19. 汤姆的笔友。

17.她最喜欢的语言18. 写信给汤姆。








a do you like?i like dogs best.

be q .

are many green l on the tree in summer.

g h**e long people want to see them.

h**e chinese,math,english and o subjects.

d the street,you will see the library.

1. there is a big park in the nyou can play in it.

2. his grandparents’ house is afrom the bank.

4. go sand turn left on fifth **enue.

6. there is a park b___the post office and the supermarket.


animal usually __sleep)and __relax)20 hours every day.

like to eat __leaf).

dolphins are very __to are our __friend).

other __animal)__tom __like)?

5. the young boy can speakjapan).

6. my pen pal is from england. she isengland)

7. i wantrelax) two hours after school.

8canada) speak english andfrance).

9. on our way home, afriend)dog often comes to meet us.

10. i think the comedy is veryrelax).

11. our___in school arefriend) to us.

12. why do you want __see) the pandas?

13. the koalas like __eat) _leaf).

14. please __write) to your pen pal.

15. don’tbe) late for school.

16. tomy is 11year) old.

17. li lei gets to the schoolone).

18. jim enjoys __swim) in the sea in summer.

twins h**e funplay) football in the park.

the right of the desk __be) some beautiful flowers.

library is a good place __reda)books..

meat and apples in the bag.

are fourlibrary) in our city.


doesn’t want bananas at all. (变肯定句)she __bananas very __

can speak japanese and chinese.(就划线部分提问can she speak?

3. brother likes dolphins.(对划线部分提问does his brother like?

4. there are five people in the room.(对划线部分提问there in the room?

5. there is some meat and milk on the table.(改为否定句) theremeat___milk on the table.

me.,where is the airport?(改为同义句)

excuse me, can you tell methe airport?

is a small city. it has a busy street. (改为同义句)that is a small citybusy street.

enjoys himself in the zoo.(改为同义句)hein the zoo.

must get to the station at six o’clock. (改为同义句)you mustthe station at six o’clock.

10.where does he come from? (改为同义句)__he

11. why don’t you like penguins? (改为同义句like penguins?

12. where else do you want to go? (改为同义句)whatdo you want to go to?

13. the picture is a little ugly. (改为同义句)the picture isugly.


1.大象有点害羞。elephants areshy.

2.白天他和他的朋友们玩耍。hehis friends __the day.

3.让我们先去看长颈鹿giraffes __

4.狮子也来自非洲。lionsfrom africa.


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