
发布 2022-08-01 21:45:28 阅读 3280

unit 12 第五课时学案。


学习目标。learn about e-mail english.(了解电子邮件英语)



1)重点单词unfamiliar ,rubbish, from ,beside ,e-mail, experiment

2)重点短语 oneself , look unfamiliar to , h**e online conversations with friends

write…as… ,experiment with…, be formed by…

学习过程。i. lead in (导入)

you often serf the internet?

you often chat with your friends on line?

you type very quickly when you chat on line?

you familiar with network languages?

what they mean.


how r ucubtwcul8r

you chat with your friends in english on line, can you write quickly?

you know about network language in english?, let learn about it together.

ii 。learn by yourself (自主学习)

please read the article in page 100, and translate, then answer the questions. you can discuss in your group (读译100页课文,回答问题,可以在小组中讨论)

1. what is e-mail english?

2. what is the advantages of using e-mail english?

is “icq”?

many types of e-mail english are mentioned in this passage? what are they?

is “abbreviation” formed?

is the advantage of using punctuation marks?

iii.results show (成果展示)

read and translate in groups, and answer the questions. (分组读译,回答问题)

iv. study in groups (合作**)

group work: find this phrases in the article and underline the sentences with these phrases, then discuss the meaning and using of these phrases in group according to the context. (在文中找出下列短语,划出这些短语所在的句子,根据上下文,在小组内讨论这些短语的含义和用法)

unfamiliar to

online conversations with friends

formed by

by oneself


v.explain the importance.( 出示重点)

vi. use the importance (灵活运用)

make your own sentences using them.(用这些短语和句型做句子)

look/ be unfamiliar to sb. =sb. look /be unfamiliar with sth.

online conversations with friends

formed by

by oneself= teach oneself…


vii. exercise.(自我检测)

i. finish 3b in page 101

1. e-mail english is used

a) to h**e fun b) to s**e time c) to study faster

2. wbq would mean

a) with best wishes b) which queue c) write back quickly

3. “great” sounds most like

a) lateb) getc) seat

4. in e-mail english, punctuation marks are used

a) normallyb) instead of c) to show feelings

5. e-mail english is supposed to be used

a) on mobile phonesb) in classc) in tests




3.他不小心把“came”写成了 “come”。




kind of work isme.

a. unfamiliar with b. unfamiliar by c. unfamiliar to d. not familiar of

2. she has never been to beijing. today she visited it __the first time.

a. atb. forc. ind. by

3.--who taught him to surf?

nobody. he learned it __himself.

a. forb. withc. byd. on

4. its __to laugh at the disabled.

a. polite b. proper c. rude d. happy

singapore, the trains always __on time. they’re never late.

a.. arrive in b. reach c. arrive d. get to


wondered whether it would be适合) to phone him at the moment.

2. the great wall is a象征)of china .

3. mr black is trying to实验) with the project.

4. they are planning to组成)a soccer club.

5. can you guess this谜语)

viii.homework. (课后作业)

the exercise in the learning *****.(完成学案上的练习)

the importance in this class.(将本课的重要知识点背下来)

an e-mail to your friend, you can use e-mail english as much as you can.



1. a lot of e-mail english words might look unfamiliar to us


sth. look/ be unfamiliar to sb. 对于某人来说,某物看起来很陌生/ 是陌生的。

sb. look /be unfamiliar with sth.某人不熟悉某物。

eg: the school is unfamiliar to me .=i am unfamiliar with the school.

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