
发布 2022-07-29 19:22:28 阅读 7495



1. beof 害怕。

2the end 最终。

the end of


the end of


3. no不再。

4. not不再。

5. to one’s


6though 即使。

7. aof 一双、一对。

h**e a try! 用所给词的正确形式填空。

1. the girl usedbe) shy. but shechange) a lot in the past few years and she is pretty outgoing.

2. his father has beenfor nearly one month. he has to continue his school by doing a part-time job after his father’sdie).

3. children are theof the parents. parents are alwaysof them.(pride)

4. finally, he made adecide) notwaste) time surfing on internet.

5. nothing canhim. he isn’tof touching snakes.(terrify)

看点一。 “兴趣”是最好的老师。

归纳:be interested in:



he takes an interest in swimming.

tom lost interest in swimming when he was young.

i h**e no interest in playing the piano.

1. uncle huang is a veryperson. he always tellsstories. (interest)

2. why are you soin learning the piano?(interest)

3. his father took a great interest in learning english.

his fatherverylearning english.

看点二。 worry

归纳:be worried about

worry: v.

1. his father is ill; he担心) about his father.

2. she looks a little焦虑)。

3. 不要担心我,我能够照顾好自己。

看点三。 spend: 人做主语 cost: 物做主语 take: it 做主语 pay: 人做主语,pay for;

归纳:1. i50 yuan to buy that t-shirt.

2. heyuan for that t-shirt.

3. itme 50 yuan to buy that t-shirt.

4. that t-shirtme 50 yuan.

看点四。 hardly

归纳:hardly ever

1. 我们几乎没有时间吃早饭。

we2. -i didn’ t know you take a bus to school.

---oh, itake a bus, but it is snowing today.

a. hardlyb. neverc. sometimesd. usually

3. 我几乎从来不去动物园,我不喜欢动物。


there is hardly a cloud in the sky反意疑问句)

看点五。 in the end: 最终=at last、finally at the end of: 在……的尽头; by the end of: 到……为止;

1. heisdownthegarden.他在花园的尽头的那边。


3the last term, we had learned 2,000 english words. 到上学期末,我们已经学习了2,000 个单词。

归纳:看点六。 give up: 放弃; give in: 投降、认输give off: 释放、发散(光、热);

1. she has tosome of her hobbies because she has no time to spend on them.

a. give upb. give inc. give off

2. don’tyou still h**e chance.

a. give offb. give upc. give in

3. the sunheat and light.

a. give offb. give upc. give in

归纳:看点七。 few little 否定。

a few a little 肯定。

可数n. 不可数n.

1. 我无语:i h**ewords.

2. 我有话说:i h**ewords.

3. 我有些钱:i h**emoney.

4. 我几乎没钱:i h**emoney.


归纳:it seems that……

it seems that it will rain.

sb seem to do sth…

mr green doesn’ t seem to like the idea.

1. the maths problems seemsto work out.

a. be difficultb. is difficultc. to difficultd. to be difficult

2. it seems that he doesn’ t h**e many friends.



be patient with sb

be patient of sth: 忍耐某事。

the nurse is pretty patient with patients in hospital.


send sb sth= send sth to sb

send sb to….

send for sb: 派人去叫、请某人。

1. 我寄给我妈妈一件礼物。

i2. 老板派遣我去北京。

the boss

3. h**e you senta doctor?

a. awayb. upc. offd. for

4. i decided to send himthis problem.

a. to dealb. to deal withc. deal d. deal with


try to do sth

try doing sth

1. whyit in some other ways?


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