九年级英语上复习学案 二

发布 2022-07-31 01:47:28 阅读 4346





topic 2 china has the largest population



couple of4. 百分之二十五。

5.到目前为止6. be short of

7. take measures to do sth8独生子女政策。


11hat’s more12.更严重。


has changed greatly.


3. 美国有296million 人口。

the population of the is 296 million.

4. 印度人口第二多。

india has the

5. 俄罗斯人口比加拿大少。

russia has athan

6. 中国**已采取许多措施来控制人口。

chinese government has __manycontrol the population.

7. 计划生育在控制人口方面效果很好。

family planningin __the population.


we still h**e a


china still

10. 我们应该努力学习来赶上其他人。

we shouldtoothers.


12. 那所学校不到100个学生。

there areone hundred students in our school.


1. “so + 助/情态/系动词+ 主语”表示___其中助动词、系动词或情态动词的使用既要结合上一句的时态又要结合下一句的主语。

he is a teacheri.

she came to this school three years agoi.

they will le**e for kunming next weekwe.

he has been to beijingi.

2. “so +主语+ 助/情态/系动词”是一个强调句,意思是助动词、情态动词或系动词的使用决定于上文疑问句的构成。

he comes from a poor family. so he __

he is from the usa

she likes english

t3. “neither + 助/情态/系动词+ 主语”表示这是一个倒装句。其中助动词、系动词或情态动词的使用既要结合上一句的时态又要结合下一句的主语。

he isn’t a teacher. neitheri.

she didn’t come to this school yesterday. neitheri.

they won’t le**e for kunming next week. neitherwe.

he hasn’t been to beijing. neitheri.

4.分数的表示: 分子用基数词,分母用序数词。当分子大于1时,分母加s。

1/3 one third 1/52/3 two thirds 2/5 two fifths 3/8

5% five percent 2041

和such 的用法比较。

1“so + 形容词+a/an +名词单数”这时的so 是副词。

i h**e never seen so beautiful a place before.

i h**e never seen such a beautiful place before.

注意:如果名词前是many, much, few ,little 时只能用so, 不能用such。

there are __many people in the zoo that i can’t take photos.

he has __few friends.

that 相当于连词,引导目的状语从句。意思“以便,为了”

3. such a/an +形容词+单数名词= so+ 形容词+a/an+单数名词。

he is __a clever boy = he isa boy.

6. keep up with= catch up with

四:练习。1、he has already finished his homework.(改为否定句)

he __finished his homework

2.they h**e found the lost books already.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

they __the lost books __no,they

3.julia has not got home from school yet.(改为肯定句)

juliahome from school .

4.you h**e never been to shanghai before改为反意疑问句)

5. he’s gone to beijing改为反意疑问句)

6.mr wang began to teach english in this school in 1999.(改为同义句)

mr wangenglish in this school since 1999.

topic 3 the world has changed for the better.

一:自学。1. 事实上2.在国内外。

2. 提供某人某物4.希望工程。

5..on the used to

a normal life8..decide on


do you like…?=what do you think of后接名词、代词、动词的ing形式。

what do you think of studying at digua middle school?

2. get used to=be used toto是介词,后接名词、代词、动词的ing形式。

i don’t get used to___get) up early.

he is used to___go) to bed early and getting up early.

used to 相当于一个助动词,to是不定式符号。后接___意为后接be 时意为“过去曾是…..或过去处于某种状态”

he used to___play) basketball. she used tobe) outgoing.

九年级上复习学案 四

九年级上复习学案 四 u2t3 u3t1 目标 1.掌握这两个话题的单词,会默写。2.掌握学案上的重点句型。3.掌握并列句和一般现在时的被动语态。topic 3 would you like to be a greener person 自学 一。1.纸的两面2.应该。3.应当做某事4.确保,务必 ...

九年级上复习学案 三

九年级上复习学案 三 u2t1 t2 目标 1.掌握这两个话题的单词,会默写。2.掌握学案上的重点句型。3.掌握直接引语与间接引语的用法。参照课本120页。4.复习掌握不定代词的用法。u2t1一 自学。翻译下列短语。1.到处乱扔2.在 差。3.把 倒入5.化工厂。6.心情不好7.写信给。8.在 结束...


unit14 h e you packed yet?组题人 李霞。审题人 使用时间 2月16日。section a 一 课前导学 一 p110 p111短语。1把 打包。2锁门。3买本旅游指南。4清空冰箱。5大部分工作。6立即,马上。7关掉收音机。8喂猫。二 3a中短语。1过一会再与某人通话。2太多...