九年级 上 英语复习

发布 2022-01-08 03:04:28 阅读 2213



一) verb+-ing as subject (主语) 【动名词在句子中可以充当主语的作用】


communicating is not just speaking. 交流不仅仅是说话。

sitting straight means a person is confident. 端坐表明一个人是自信的。

英语中有一些动词(短语)后面常接动名词作宾语。如:finish, enjoy, mind, keep, suggest, **oid, miss, practise, admit, deny, can’t help等。

he denied h**ing stolen my bike. 他否认偷了我的自行车。

when we heard the joke, we couldn’t help laughing.


常见的“动词+介词+动名词”的短语有:prefer...to, be / get used to, look forward to, feel like, give up, keep on, insist on, succeed in等。

he doesn’t feel like doing his homework. 他不想做家庭作业。

you must give up smoking at once. 你必须马上戒烟。


1) be busy doing sth “忙于做某事”

mother is busy cooking dinner in the kitchen. 妈妈在厨房忙着做饭。

2) be worth doing sth “值得做某事”

the book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。

(3) it’s no use / good doing sth “做……无用 / 无好处”

it’s no use asking him for help. 向他寻求帮助没有用。

二)verb+-ing after a preposition 【动名词放在介词后面作介词宾语】


) 1. they insisted on __another chance to try.

a. gotb. getting c. being gotd. to be got

) 2. jack said that he wouldn’t mind __for us.

a. to wait b. wait c. waiting d. waited

) 3. my brother keeps __my f**ourite book. and i want it back!

a. to take b. take c. taking d. took

4. we should often practise __english with each other.

a. to speakb. spoke c. speakd. speaking

5. what about __to the concert with us?

a. we gob. we going c. goingd. to go

) 6. only one of these books is worth __

a. to read b. being read c. of reading d. reading

) 7. she is very busy __her *****s. she is too busy __shopping.

a. to write; to go b. writing; to go c. writing; going d. to write; for going


1. a, difficult, to, is, learning, computer, use, for, some, people

2. your, in, reading, sun, is eyes, bad, the, for

3. english, often, english, good, a, is, way, to, speaking, study

4. playing, of, are, basketball, they, and, fond, volleyball

5. must, this, used, be, repairing, machine, without, not


1. 天天做早操有利于我们的健康。

2. 保持教室清洁是我们的职责。

3. 跑步和爬山通常是年轻人的爱好。

4. 他们去看电影了而不是看电视。(instead of)

5. 这件衬衣该洗了。(need)


练习二】1、adjectives with for+noun/pround+to+verb

eg1).—it is difficult for me to choose the right hairstyle.

--then look at those photos. they might help you.

2). is it convienient for you to cut my hair now?

-no. i’m afraid you’ll h**e to wait a few minutes.

3). is it important for me to eat a balanced diet?

-if you want your hair to look healthy, it is.

2、adjectives with enough+to+verb

simon:let me carry those books for you.

debbie:they’re he**y. are youthem?

simon:sure. where do you want them?

debbie: up on the shelf. are youit?

simon: no problem. i’ll stand on this chair.

debbie: thanks. now what about some lunch?

simon: good idea. let’s get a bus to sammy’s.

debbie: no. let’s go to a place that’sto.

i don’t want to get caught in a traffic jam. and i want to shop after lunch for a small camera.

simon: how small?

debbiein your pocket. it’s for my younger brother.

simon: is hehow to use a camera?

debbie: yes, he’s 13 and he’s already an expert.

3、adjectives with of+noun/pronoun+to+verb

i left home without my underground ticket. itmy underground ticket.

i met mary, and she lent me ¥20. itthe money.

a man stood up and offered me his seat on the train. ithis seat.

i dropped my books, and a boy picked them up for me. itfor me.

九年级 上 英语复习

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