
发布 2022-01-08 03:01:28 阅读 2588



by bus乘公共汽车by car做小轿车by spaceship做航天飞机by bike骑自行车on foot步行by train坐火车by ship坐轮船by plane坐飞机3.运动,游戏类。

swim游泳ski滑雪skate滑冰hop单腿跳cycle骑自行车play hide and seek玩捉迷藏go shopping购物。

the flowers浇花kick a ball踢球play玩耍4.玩具及数码电器类。

doll洋娃娃toy car玩具车yo-yo悠悠球robot机器人***


hospital医院subway地铁airport飞机场toilet厕所cinema电影院、store商店supermarket超市bank银行bus stop汽车站glass building玻璃建筑物二。重点句子。

is my cousin.这是我的表兄弟。 doesn’t like the scarf.

她不喜欢这条围巾。 many necks do you h**e?你有多少个脖子?

h**e math this morning.我们今天早上上数学课。 the time?几点了?

go to school at eight o’clock.我八点去学校。

do you do at the weekend?你这个周末干什么? do you go to school?

你怎么去学校? go to school by plane.我坐飞机去学校。

10. it’s hot. it’summer.


i like chinese spring festival.我喜欢中国的春节。12.

what’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样? cloudy.

今天多云。 like skating.我喜欢滑冰。

15. i like dolls.我喜欢洋娃娃。

16. i h**e some stamps.我有一些邮票。

17. do you h**e any boxes?你有一些盒子吗?

18. he has some knives.他有一些刀子。

19. i am tidying the toys.我正在整理玩具。

20. what are you doing?你正在干什么?

21. morris is flying a 正在放风筝。

is she doing?她在干什么?23. he is kicking a ball.他正在踢球。

24. are you doing your homework?你正在做你的家庭作业吗?

is 是诚实的。 cher cooking a meal?cher在做饭吗?

27. they are both good students.他们都是好学生。

28. in summer, i often play hide and seek.在夏天,我经常玩捉迷藏。

summer, i often play badminton在夏天,我经常打羽毛球。30. i am looking for lily?

我正在寻找lily.31. where is the subway?

32. how can i get to the cinema?33.

turn left ,please.34. how can i get to the bus stop.

35. they are rowing the dragon is my likes this jacket.38.

i h**e a many fingers do you h**e? h**e english this morning.41.

i like time is it? go swimming.44.

i go to school by warm. it’s sunny.47.

i like hopping.48. i h**e some you h**e any boxes?

she h**e any cherries?51. i am reading a news*****.

52. i am setting the is watering the summer, i often h**e a is the hospital? can i get to the store?

is dragon boat festival.








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