
发布 2022-08-05 23:21:28 阅读 5345

scientists are supposed to know a lot. 科学家们应该知道更多。





二。 根据括号里的说明填空:

1. the trip is t___make people tired)

2. walking in the dark street in the midnight is t___scaring)

3. i prefer to t___tr**el on foot) in the forest.

4. i think the scenery of hawaii is f___attractive).

5. i like visit history museums because it’s e___giving people knowledge)

6. in summer when it’s fine the beach is often p___quiet).

7don’t be worried.)

8. xi’an is a t__(h**ing lots of tourists) city


学始于疑 --我思考我收获。




二。 用some day/one day, some days填空:

1. i want to go to the moon

would like to stay in beijing for __

become successful __

hope you can keep the cat for me for __

h**e learned how to cook for __they hope they can cook __


典型题 (收藏夹)

典题】 入选理由:



一:填空。h**e you ever considered __learn) how to cook?

my mother is considering how __help) me improve my english? they considered __meet) their teacher at the airport. she often considers __move) to the moon one day.

we consider how __take) care of the baby. mary is one of my best __friend). one of my f**orite authors __guo jingming.

some of her __classmate) are interested in classical music. our school __include) 64 classes. our country has 34 provinces __include) hong kong and marco.

we h**e nine subjects __include) pe and music.

fill in the blanks with cost, pay for, spend, take

how much does the new car __how much should i __the ticket? how much did you __tr**eling in japan? how long does it __to go to america by plane?

my mother __two hundred yuan __the dress.

fill in the blanks

for your next vacation, why not consider __访问) paris? paris is the __首都) of france, and is one of the __最有活力的) _城市) in europe. it doesn’t h**e any __沙滩) or mountains, but there still many things to do there.

for example, it has some fantastic sights, _包括) the eiffel tower and notre dame cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world.

___旅行) around paris by taxi can cost a lot of money, but it’s usually quite convenient __乘坐) the underground train to most places. _一般来说), though, france is quite an expensive place. one thing that is not expensive in france, however, is the wine.

most people in france h**e learned english. but many people don’t like to speak english, especially in paris. so unless you speak french yourself, it’s best __和……旅行) someone who can translate things for you.


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