
发布 2021-03-10 20:03:28 阅读 6983


教材版本】fun with english book 5 辽宁师范大学出版社。






教材分析】本节课的内容是第一课时,主要是让学生能够运用所学的单词new, pretty, young, friend和句型he’s/she’s…简单介绍自己的同学或老师的情况,了解中外姓名的区别。本课时内容贴近学生生活,是学生比较喜欢的话题之一,所以有利于学生间开展交流。

教学目标】知识目标: can master the four skills words “new, pretty, young, friend” and the pattern sentence “he’s/she’s…”.

2. ss can understand the sentence“ please call me…”.

能力目标:1. ss can use the new words and sentence to introduce their classmates and teachers.

develop the ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

情感态度价值观:let the students h**e a knowledge of the differences between chinese names and foreign names.


1. ss can use the new words and sentence to introduce their classmates and teachers. pay attention to the usage of “he , she”

2. ss can understand the sentence“ please call me…”.

教学方式】1. communicative approach in presentation

learning approach and co-operative learning in groups in consolidation

教学过程】step 1 warm-up

hello,boys and girls! nice to see you again. welcome back to school. how are you?

sing an english song “where are you from?”

a free talk with the students: what’s the weather like? do you h**e any friends?

today i h**e some new friends to introduce to you. do you want to know them?


step 2 presentation

1. the teacher introduces new friends d**id and jane to teach the new words and sentence.(头饰)

t: look! this is d**id. he’s from england.

t asks: who is he? where is he from?

ss: he’s d**id. he’s from england.

t: ok. he’s your friend now.

drilling the new words “new, friend” and the sentence “he’s…”.read first, then spell, at last make sentences with them.)

t: look! this is jane.

she’s from england, too. she’s pretty, isn’t she? she’s young, right?

she’s your new friend. do you like her?

drilling the new words “ pretty, young” and the sentence “she’s…”.pay attention to he and she.

2.(头饰)t: hello, boys and girls!

i’m jane baker. i’m your new english teacher. can you say “hello” to me?

please call me jane.

drilling “please call me…”.


step 3consolidation

1. h**e a race: say the word, spell it and make a sentence with it.

for example: young y-o-u-n-g he’s young.

2. play a guessing game: who’s he/she?

3. text: today we h**e a new english teacher. who is she? let’s listen to the tape.

a. listen

b. learn the text in groups, then answer the questions.

c. ss read the dialogue.


step 4extention

ss introduce their classmates or teachers with the words and sentences they’ve learned in this lesson.


step 5 homework

1. introduce your new friend or teacher to your parents in english.

2. write something about your teachers or friends.



教学后记】本节课主要是让学生能够运用所学的单词new, pretty, young, friend和句型he’s/she’s…简单介绍自己的同学或老师的情况。在教学时我注重了要词语学习结合句型教学,教师既是问题设计者也是学生回答问题引导者,引导学生学会提问,培养学生的问题意识和思维能力,在与他们的自然交流中进行语言的学习和运用。在巩固拓展阶段让学生自由编对话练习,给他们足够的时间和空间展示他们的才能,来增强他们的口语表达能力和运用所学知识的能力。



教材版本】fun with english book 5 辽宁师范大学出版社。






教材分析】本节课的内容是第一课时,主要是让学生能够运用所学的单词tall thin funny fat和句型who’s he/she? he’s/she’s…简单介绍自己的同学或老师的情况并进行简单的问答。本节课是第一课所学知识的延续,具有承上启下的作用。

教学目标】知识目标: can master the four skills words “tall thin funny fat” and the pattern sentences “who’s he/she? he’s/she’s…”.


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