
发布 2021-03-09 09:11:28 阅读 4785







hour, honest, honor等单词的拼写虽然以辅音字母h开头,但其读音却以元音开头,因此,前面要用an。

试题再现】i h**e been waiting for him for __hour and a half. (1980全国)a. the

b. ac. an

d. whole(2)拼写以元音字母开头读音却以辅音开头的单词。

useful, university, usual, united, european, one-eyed, one-way等单词的拼写虽然以元音字母开头,但其读音却以元音开头,因此,前面要用a。

试题再现】five years ago her brother was __university student of __physics. (1990x)a. a; the

b. an; the

c. an; /

d. a; /3)英文字母前用a还是用an的问题。

在26个英文字母中,a, e, i, o, f, h, l, m, n, r, s, x等12个字母的读音是以元音开头的,其余字母的读音则是以辅音开头的。

试题再现】please pay attention to your spelling. you h**e dropped __m〞

here. (89x)

a. anb. the

c. /d. a



试题再现】(1)the wilsons live in __a-shaped house near the coast. it is __17th centurycottage. (202xx)

a. the ,

b. an, the

c. /the

d. an, a(2)jumping out of __airplane at ten thousand feet is quite __exciting experience. (02全国)a.

不填; the

b.不填; an

c. an; an

d. the; the

2.表示“(数量)一〞“每一〞“同一(of +a/an +n.)〞

试题再现】(1)i earn 10 dollars __hour as __supermarket cashier on saturdays. (03x).


a. a ; an

b. the ; a

c. an; a

d. an; the

2)mrs. tailor has __8-year-old daughter who has __gift for painting-she has won twonational prizes. (202xx)a.

a, a

b. an, the

c. an, a

d. the, a3.用于作表语或作as的宾语的职业或身份的名词前。

试题再现】when he left __college, he got a job as __reporter in a news***** office.(202xx)a.不填;a


c. a; the

d. the ; the


1.定冠词the的根本用法,即表示特指,相当于this(这), that(那), these(这些), those(那些)。包含指上文提到过的人或事物,或者双方都了解的人或事物。

试题再现】(1)—i knocked over my coffee cup. it went right over __keyboard.

you shouldn’t put drinks nearcomputer. (202xx)a. the;不填。

b. the; a

c. a;不填。

d. a; a

2)don’t worry if you can’t come to __party.

—i’ll s**e __cake for you. (202xx)a. the; some

b. a; much

c. the; any

d. a; little2.用于“the+比拟级〞表示“两者中较……的〞那一个人或事物。

试题再现】of the two sisters, betty is __one, and she is also the one who loves to bequiet. (202xx)

a. a younger

b. a youngest

c. the younger

d. the youngest3.用于单数可数名词前表示某类事物的整体。

试题再现】alexander graham bell invented __telephone in 1876. (1991全国)

a.不填。b. a

c. the

d. one4.用于介词短语中的方位名词前。

试题再现】summer in __south of france is for __most part dry and sunny. (202x京春)

a. /ab. the, /

c. /d. the, the


试题再现】of all __reasons for my decision to become a university professor, my father’sadvice was __most important one. (202xx)a. the; a


c.不填; the

d. the; the6.用于play后的西洋乐器名词前。

试题再现】after watching __tv, she played __violin for an hour. (1991全国).



b. the, the

c. the,不填。

d.不填, the


7.用于“the +逢十的复数基数词〞前表示年代。

试题再现】it is not rare in __that people in __fifties are going to university for furthereducation. (1999x)

a. 90s; the

b. the 90s; /

c. 90s; their

d. the 90s; their8.用于“the+比拟级,the+比拟级〞(越……就越……)句型中。

试题再现】it is believed that __you work, _result you'll get. (1993x)a. the harder; the better

b. the more hard; the most betterc. the harder; a better

d. more hard; more better9.用于by the dozen/gallon/ ton/yard/ year/month/day/hour等结构中表示计量单位,意为“按/以……(卖/租/付款)〞,常与buy, sell, rent, charge等动词连用。

试题再现】as a rule, the workers are paid __202xx春)a. by the hour

b. by hour

c. by an hour

d. by hours注意:在by weight(按重量)中不用the。


试题再现】a bullet hit the soldier and he was wounded in __leg. (202xx)a. a

b. one

c. the

d. his


试题再现】(1)the sign reads "in case of __fire, break the glass and push __red button."(202x全国)a.不填;a


c the; the

d. a; a

2)everywhere man has cut down __forests in order to grow crops, or to use __wood asfuel or as building material. (202xx25)a. the; the

b. the; /

c. /the

d. /2.学科名词前不用冠词。

试题再现】she is __newcomer to __chemistry but she has already made some importantdiscoveries. (1994全国)

a. the; the

b. the;不填。

c. a;不填。

d. a; the注:以下3种情况虽未曾考过,但仍需注意:

1)球类运动和棋类游戏名词前不用冠词。如play football踢足球。



the teacher came in, book in hand.老师进来了,手里拿着一本书。


he will never turn traitor.他绝不会成为叛徒。



试题再现】the cakes are delicious. he'd like to h**e __third one because __second one israther too small. (202xx春)

a. a; a

b. the; the

c. a; the

d. the; a2.专有名词前的冠词使用问题:一般不用冠词,如john, china等。但以下几种情况用冠词:


试题再现】—who did you spend last weekend with?

1998x)a. palmer’s

b. the palmers’

c. the palmers

d. the palmer’s


试题再现】—hello, could i speak to mr. smith?

sorry, wrong number. there isn’t __mr. smith here. (202x全国i)a.不填。

b. ac. the

d. one③由一般名词构成的专有名词前通常要加the。

试题再现】(4)according to __world health organization, health care plans are needed in allbig cities to prevent __spread of aids. (202xx)a. the;不填。

b. the; the

c. a; a

d.不填; the


试题再现】i know you don’t like __music very much. but what do you think of___music in the film we saw yesterday? (202x全国ii)a.

/b. the; the

c. the; /

d. /the

注:有的抽象名词具体化后,前面要加不定冠词。如a surprise一件预料之外的事,a pity/shame (一件令人遗憾的事), a success(一件成功的事或一个成功的人),a pleasure(一件愉快的事),a time(一段时间)。

试题再现】there was __time __i hated to go to school. (202xx)

a. a, that

b. a, when

c. the, that

d. the, when解析:前者指“一段时间〞用a time;后者是定语从句,代表先行词并在定语从句中作时间。




如the spring of 1998(2023年的春天),a hard winter(一个严寒的冬天)。

试题再现】i can't remember when exactly the rohinsons left __city. i only remember itwas___monday. (202xx)a.

the, the

b. a, the

c. a, a

d. the, a

6.独一无二的事物名词前冠词的使用问题:像world, earth, sun, moon, sky, universe等独一无二的事物名词前通常不用冠词,但前面有形容词修饰,表示“一个……的……〞时,用不定冠词。

试题再现】(2)it is __world of wonders, _world where anything can happen. (202xx)

a. a, the

b. a, a

c. the, a

d. /注意:表示三餐的名词前通常不用冠词,但特指时用the,有定语修饰时,可用a/an。如:

after __quick breakfast, she went to school by __bike.

a. a, a

b. the, a

c. a, /

d. /冠词加强练习题。







太阳从x升起,西方落下。〔rise, set〕



there is a “s〞in the word “island〞.2.

oh, john. what pleasant surprise you g**e us.3.

he felt someone hit him on his head when he was listening to the radio.4.

most of students h**e studied english in our school.5.

this boy is cleverer of the two..


2013九年级英语下语法冠词复习导学案。班级姓名学号。2012学年九年级下语法复习导学案冠词 资料编号b1 资料负责人 审核人 备课组所有成员 目标 1 了解冠词的种类及一些特别用法 2 熟悉历年中考考点,能说出考法 一 冠词种类及一些特别用法 冠词分不定冠词 a,an 定冠词 the 和零冠词 不...

语法冠词 1 导学案教师版

龙涤中学英语学科导学案。2013 2014学年度第二学期高 二 年级编号 no.主备人 王贺 审核人 李凤成 审批人 庄树波 使用时间 课题 article 1 学习目标learning aims 运用所学知识正确解题。学习重点learning important 知识链接knowledge lin...


2.预习检查 设置 单词默写 和 句型翻译 要求学生通过预习,完成单词和句型的初步感知,也便于学生对预习情况进行自我评价。另外,要在课本上 导学案 上记录自己的疑惑 此处要与本校所研究的小课题相结合,在疑难点处加以自己喜欢的标志 以便于学生在课堂上提出疑难,展示自己不明白的问题。课堂导学 第一板块 ...