九年级第一单元教案 第二课时

发布 2020-09-15 12:33:28 阅读 9251

unit1 how do you study for a test?(第二课时)

study by asking the teacher for help.

1) ask sb for help向某人寻求帮助。

eg: when we are in trouble, we can ask our friends for help.

2)ask for sb/sth 请求某人或某物。

eg: she asked more time to finish the task.

you learn english by watching english-language videos?


spoken english英语口语 english-speaking说英语的人。

you ever practice conversations with friends?


1)做不可数名词时,意思是"练习,训练 eg: a lot of practice


在表达"练习做某事时,句型结构为:practice doing sth

eg:he practice running every morning.

about listening to tapes?

what about...相当于how about...后面可接名词,代词以及动名词常用来征求意见,提出建议或询问情况。相类似的情况还有:

why not+动词原形 "为什么不做。

shall we/let's+动词原形 "让我们做。

you'd better+动词原形 "最好做。

why don't you +动词原形 "你为什么不做。

would you like+to do "想做。吗?

5. i do that sometimes

sometimes,some times,sometime,some time之间的区别:


she pay a visit to us sometimes

2)some times"几次,几倍,对其提问用how many times...

she has visited french some times.


he will le**e for london sometime next week.

4)sone time"一段时间,后接延续性动词,对其提问用how long

i need some time to finish my work.

口诀:分开"一段时间some time, 相聚"某个时刻sometime.


s too hard to understand the voices.



此结构可与so...that...以及not...enough to...结构互换。

eg:she is too young to go to school.

=she is so young that she can not go to school.

=she is not old enough to go to school.


not...enough to...结构中,not后面所接形容词或副词与原句正好是反义词。


voice特指嗓音 eg:the girl has a sweet voice.

sound 泛指听到的各类声音

eg:i heard a strange sound when i was doing my homework in the room.

noise 暗含令人感觉不愉快,不舒服的声音。

eg:the car makes so much noise.

ming feels differently.

1)形容词为different,相应搭配be different from...与。不同。反义短语the same as...与。一样。

eg:my school uniform is different from yours.

2)名词为difference,是可数名词,相应结构:the differences between a and b...

eg:can you tell me the differences between a and b?

8. students get lot of practice and they also h**e fun.

1)h**e fun"玩得高兴,玩得愉快。

h**e fun=h**e a good time=enjoy oneself

eg:you are sure to h**e fun at the party

2)h**e fun in doing sth 做某事很高兴。

eg: the children are h**ing fun playing the games.

类似结构:h**e trouble/problems/experience doing sth

相关练习:you get lost in the street, you can ask the police help.

you h**e problems in learning,you can ask him you.

b:ok, thank you.

help 3. in western countries, people are very good at the english.

order to improve english,you h**e to do a lot of .

wants to improve her spoken english,so she practice it by every chance.

about hiking this weekend?

b:good idea.

go you like with us after school?

b:i'd love to.

go don't you with him about your opinions?

talk s football together after school.

playwill you le**e for london?

b: next week.

time times

many times h**e you paid a visit to your grandma?

b: time times

one is too old learn.

you please turn down the radio, it makes so much ?

b:ok. i'm sorry.

are so many , i can't describe them one by one.


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