
发布 2020-05-25 08:04:28 阅读 6390

lesson 13导学案。

1.学习目标:(learning target )

1.听、说、读、写单词:father (dad) mother (mum) ,学习a 、u、在单词中发音[:

2.在情景中运用: this is my...介绍人的句型。并将father 、mother用到this is my...句型中。

3.在let's sing 中复习学过单词:father. mother. brother .sister


2. 课前预习(pre-class work )

1. 数字 one…twelve

a. 读(要求读准)

b. pk(要求最快、最准、最完整)

练习) this is my...句型(介绍自己的物品)

3.学习流程(learning procedure)

一)热身复习(warm-up/ revision)

1.数字 one…twelve

c. 读(要求读准)

d. pk(要求最快、最准、最完整)

练习) this is my...句型(介绍自己的物品)

二)新课学习(learning new lesson )


a.看《大耳朵图图》动画片的**,学习家庭称呼单词:father mother 。

b.看“我”的家人的**,继续巩固家庭称呼单词:father mother

c.应用句式this is my father…..此时**《相亲相爱一家人》渲染气氛。

d.学生通过**介绍家庭成员继续操练句式this is my …

2. guess the words : i do and you speak (t and s)

the dialogue : lesson 13

a rest:

let's sing father and mother

5.当堂“清”(check 1. )


good morning miss wand.

this is my___

this is my __

this is miss wang .

please to meet you.

please to meet you,too.



is my father. is my mother.

(2) 你想告诉大家你九岁了,你会说:(

old are you? b. i'm nine.


old are you ? s your name ?

6、日日“清”(check 2.)



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