
发布 2020-05-24 23:45:28 阅读 1245


unit 4 where’s the bird?

story time


teaching contents 教学内容。

story time

teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标。

1. 能听懂、会读、会说beautiful, tree, bird, under, desk, behind, on, chair。

2. 能听懂、会读、会说where’s …?it’s in/on/behind/under …,并进行简单问答。

3. 能正确地理解并朗读课文。

focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点。


教学难点:能准确认读单词beautiful, behind和chair,能初步运用where’s …?和it’s in/on/…问答。

teaching procedures 教学过程。

step 1 greeting & warm up

1. greeting

t: hello, boys and girls.

s: hello, lisa.

t: nice to meet you.

s: nice to meet you, too.

2. say a rhyme

t: do you like rhymes? first let’s say a rhyme in my classroom i can see.



3. talk about things in the classroom

t: what can you see in the classroom?

s: i can see …

t: (板书desk/chair/blackboard/clock/window/door/…)

t: desk/chair.

s: desk/chair. (集体朗读)

t: where is your desk/chair?

s: this is my desk./this is my chair./here is my desk./here is my chair.


step 2 story time

1. look and learn

t: look, what can you see in mike’s classroom? (ppt呈现**)

s: a bird.

t: yes, a bird. (ppt呈现单词) how is the bird?

s: the bird is nice/pretty/beautiful/… 老师板书)

t: so what do they say when they see a bird?

s1: how nice!

s2: how beautiful!

s3: it’s nice!

s4: …t: now let’s listen. (ppt**录音)

s: (全班跟读)


2. look and say

t: the bird is flying in the classroom. it’s flying here and there.

where is the bird? read after me.

s: where is the bird? (集体跟读)

t: where is the bird? please talk about the pictures and learn from each other.

s: it’s on/… 四人小组自学)

t: where is the bird?

s1: it’s on the chair.

s2: it’s in the tree.

s3: it’s in the desk.

s4: it’s under the desk.

s5: it’s behind the door.

t: on/in/under/behind the … ppt呈现短语)

s: on/in/under/behind the … 跟读短语)

t: here is a chant. let’s read it together. (ppt呈现)

s: where, where, where’s the bird?

on, on, it’s on the chair.

where, where, where’s the bird?

in, in, it’s in the tree.

t: can you make a similar chant?

s: (同桌说一说。)

s1: where, where, where’s the bird?

under, under, it’s under the desk.

s2: where, where, where’s the bird?

behind, behind, it’s behind the door.

s3: …设计意图:利用学生学习能力的差异性,小组讨论**学习新词汇,并通过儿歌巩固。】

3. listen and number

t: where is the bird? now let’s listen to the story and number the pictures.

s: (看动画并排序)

t: where is the bird first?

s1: it’s under the desk.

t: then …

s2: it’s behind the door.

t: next …

s3: it’s on the chair.

t: then …

s4: it’s in the desk.

t: finally …

s5: it’s in the tree.

t: good job! now let’s review together. where is the bird?

first … then … next … then … finally …

s: it’s under/behind/on/in/in …


4. watch and read

t: now let’s read the whole story.

s: …全班跟读)

t: now let’s read in roles in a group.

s: …小组内分角色朗读。)


step 3 enjoy the song

t: here is a song about birds. let’s enjoy it.

**歌曲where’s the bird?)

t: birds are our good friends. we should protect them.


homework 家庭作业。

1. 听磁带,读故事3遍。

2. 用in/on/under/behind说说身边物品的位置。

3. 你还知道哪些表示方位的介词?

teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)


板书设计。unit 4 where’s the bird

in the desk/door.

where is the bird? it’s on the chair/window.

under the blackboard.

behind the clock.

说课。在本节课的导入部分,以歌曲in my classroom i can see导入问题what can you see in the classroom?来学习教室内常见物品的单词,同时也揭示课文故事发生的背景。

接下来,由教室内常见的物品转而聚焦到课文部分出现在教室的主要角色——a bird,然后通过呈现bird在教室里的**,引导学生学会用方位介词介绍它的位置。因为学生在上个单元cartoon time和rhyme time对where’s …句型和常用介词in/on/beside有了解,而且部分学生有课外英语学习的积累,所以以小组合作的方式先进行互助互学,然后在集体反馈的时候,教师再重点突破个别新词under和behind音和义的理解与运用。


课文学习后,围绕本单元主题family,欣赏了song time歌曲,提醒学生小鸟是人类的朋友,情感升华的同时,也为学生下一节课的学习做铺垫。






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