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book5 module4 unit1 教学设计(二)

can you run fast?

teach plan

教学内容] 外语教学与研究出版社新标准英语第五册第四模块第一单元。




[教学时数] 第一课时40分钟。


1、知识目标:talking about abilities. 重点情态动词can以及can的用法。

2、能力目标:用情态动词can询问他人能否做某事,并用yes,i can和no,i can’t回答。



②通过询问与回答的方式,进一步演练can you…? yes, i can./ no,




1、重点单词:can, winner, jump, far, see.

2、重点句型:can you run fast? yes, i can. no, i can’t.


talking about abilities.

[教学准备] cai, word cards, and so on.


teaching steps:

step 1: warming up and reviewing.

say hello to each other, then to every teacher in the classroom.

2. i can say “hello”. i can walk. i can run. do you know “can”? means 能。

[kæn]i can sing, and i love singing. let’s sing a song, ok?

3. revision

① review some verbs. learn “jump”

② make sentences to answer “what can you do?”

③ look at the picture and make sentences.

can you swim? yes, i can. no, i can’t. can’t=can not

do an exercise: answer the questions.

step 2: leading in

she can swim. and i can swim, too. can you swim? yes, i can. no, i can’t.

please look at this picture, who is he? he is liu xiang. he can run fast.

and this is my friend, she can jump far. and the last picture is guo yue.

she can play ping-pong. she is good at ping- pong. and she is the winner

of olympic games.

now look, these are our old friends sam and amy. now let’s listen and

answer the questions.

step3: listening and reading activites

1. listen and answer the questions: can amy run fast?

can sam jump far?

2. listen and repeat.

3. read in role. girls read amy, and boys read sam.

step4: further development

a song.

can you jump far?

can you jump far?

yes , i can. yes , i can.

can you run fast?

can you run fast?

no, i can't .no i can't.

2. memory game

• he can __

• he can __

• he can __

• he is the winner.

• i can___i can __

• i can

• i’m the winner.

3. make a survey!

4. no pains , no gains .

try your best , you can do it !

step5: homework

用can you ……来询问家人,朋友,记录日常生活中你能做和不能做的事情,并把它写下来。

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