
发布 2020-03-27 18:01:28 阅读 4773



一.read and match.(只写序号)(10分)()1. failed the math testa.得了流感() 2. get the flub.吃点药。

) 3. a football matchc.因……而发笑() 4. stay in bedd.数学考试不及格() 5. laugh ate.踢球。

) 6. kick the ballf.进行一次长途旅行() 7. a littleg.有些。

) 8. take some medicineh.一场足球比赛() 9. a few daysi .几天。

) 10. go on a big tripj.卧床休息look and write二.read and choose:

选择最佳答案写在横线上。(5分)1what’s,who’s ) the matter with you ?2.ifeel,feels,feeling) sick.

3.my temperature(温度) is 39゜c. i h**e afever, toothache.)4.i am verybored, excited).

i h**e nothing to do.5.how does amy feel? sheis, are , am ) happy




ivisit)mygrandparentsanddrink)teawiththem last weekend. (2)my brother oftengo) to school on foot.(3)mikewatch) some children’s show at home yesterday evening.

(4do) you go to the supermarket yesterday? (5)—what is themonkey doing?—it iseat) bananas.


1)—what did you do yesterday, sarah?—i

(2)—did you play football with zhang peng yesterday afternoon, mike?—no,i didn’t. iat home.

3)-howwasyourweekend,john?- weekend.

4)yesterday was an exciting day. iwith mike in thenature park.

5)it was hot yesterday. so iat home. 8.read andchoose.读一读,选择合适的句子补全对话。

ab: i was too busy on the weekend. i had no time toh**e a good rest.

ab: i went hiking with my parents. wegot up at 6 and went to bed at 11 a:

oh. you must be very tiredb: we went to yun meng town.

a: oh, i know. it’s far fromhere.

and what did you do on sunday? b: on sundaya:

that’s nice! you’re helpful. b:




1. a昨天你去公园了吗)b: yes, i went to the park yesterday .

2. a上周二你们在做什么)b: we read books in the library last tuesday.

3. a你喜欢游泳吗)b: no,i don’t like swimming .

4. a这周末你做什么了)b: i am going to plant trees this weekend .

5. a: what did chen jie do last weekend ?

去公园)b6. a: what did sarah do last night ?

看书) b7. a: does john like fishing ?

肯定回答) b8. what did do last weekend ?

做运动) b9. what are you doing now ?

听**) b10. a: did you help your mother do housework last weekend ?(否定回答)b

11. a: how does your uncle go to work ?

坐公共汽车) b12. a: are you doing your homework ?

否定回答) b




went,much,took,him,tomorrow,cold,after,yesterday,usually,becausei am mike.__i go to school on morning i___to school by bus___i to his home and visited___he is___better. ihope he can go to school___


ab: good morning .a

b: i___to music. i___my homeworka:

i __tv, watched insects and __my room .b: wow !

you were very busy

a: i am going to fly kites this afternoon. would you like to __with me ?b: sure .


b.what did you do last weekend?c.good morning.

d.what are you going to do now?e.watchedf.did

g.what about you?h.listenedi.cleaned



look and choose.看图选择正确的单词或短语。()cleaned tv() at my clothes() saw a tv() a tvb.

read a book找出下面每组不同类型的单词。()1.




) 1. a. cleanb.

watchc. stayd. tall() 2.

a. hadb. watched() 3.

a. sawb. goodc.

okd. fine

) 4. a. yesterdayb.

nowc. last weekendd. last monday() 5.

a. doesb. doc.

didd. slept二、连词成句1.







) your weekend?a. whob. howc. which

)2. -how are you?.-i’m __a. tenb. finec. watching tv

)3. -what did you do? -i___at home with your grandma.

stayingc. stayed()4. -was it interesting

a. yes, it isn’ no, it yes, it was.

)5. going by bus is __than fastb.

)6. -what did you do last weekend?--i___a seeb.

-what did john do ib. hec. she二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.

i (cook)__dinner last monday.2. i (play)__football last weekend.

3. i (like)__the food yesterday.

4. i (visit)__my grandparents last weekend.5.

i (stop)__to look at the flower.6. i (study)__english last nigh



cold, better, bed, take, today, see, sad, doesn’t, can’t, go, come, drink,you )is

doctor. the doctor tells him: _some medicine andhotdrinks.

stay infor a few days. you will feelsoon.九、阅读,选择正确的答案,并把字母编号写在括号里(10分)

in winter, the weather is very cold. some people feel sick in the cold weather. if you don’t wearenough clothes, you will h**e a cold.

how do you feel if you h**e a cold? you will be very head may hurt badly. your temperature(体温)will be higher than 37℃,then the cold mayturn into a fever.

but don’t worry if you are sick, go to see a doctor. take some medicine and stayin bed for a few days. and drink more hot water.

then you will get well soon.()1. people feel sick in winter because it’s.

a. warmb. cold

) 2. if you h**e a cold you will be.

a. happy.

) 3. if your temperature is higher than 37℃you will.

a. h**e a h**e a fever.()4. if you are sick, you see a go to school.

) good for you when you’re sick.

hot drinking cold water



一、填空。amthan isthan me.

grandpa isthan your brother.

your brother isthan my dog isthan that dog isthan this dog.二、看答句写问句。

1. ab: i’m 150cm tall.

lucy is 15 years old.

3. ab: no, my father is 60 kg

4. ab: tom is taller than you .

i wear size 33.


一、read and choose.读一读,选择恰当的选项。10分()1.

did you __the clothes?a. washedb.

washc. washes()2. i watched tv __

nightb. next

)3. did your mother wash the clothes yesterday?__a.

yes, she yes, she yes, i do.()4. yesterday i __a cold and __a read()5.

he often __a film with his seeb. seesc. saw二、情景配对。


)1. what did he do yesterday?()2.

did she wash the clothes yesterday?()3. how was your weekend?

()4. did you go to the park?()5.

what did you do l;ast weekend?

it was he reads a book yesterday.

小学语文 人教版 六年级下册教案 第二单元 交流平台二

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