
发布 2020-03-27 18:03:28 阅读 7033


课题:module 1 unit 1 my family tree 课时: 1

一、 学习目标:

知识目标:四会单词family tree, cousin, granddaughter, grandson

三会单词 relative


i’m… we’re… this is… these are…


二、 学习步骤。

step 1 温故互查。

let’s read the words in groups.


grandfather grandmother father mother

uncle aunt consin brother sister

step 2 设问导读。


grandfather ( father’s father或mother’s father

grandmother (father’s mother或 mother’s mother

son ( father and mother’s child, he’s a boy

daughter ( father and mother’s child, she’s a girl

grandson (son or daughter’s son

granddaughter (son or daughter’s daughter

uncle (father and mother’s brother

aunt (father and mother’s sister

cousin (uncle or aunt’s child

family member (father, mother, son,daughter, brother and sister

relative (grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, uncle, aunt and cousin


step 3 自学检测。

补全家谱(family tree)

family tree


mother aunt

mestep 4巩固练习。

introduce your family and relatives in groups with these sentences:

this isthese are…

教师点拨:你知道这两个句型在运用时应注意什么吗?this is… 是用来描述某个人或物,即单数句型。these are…是用来描述两个或多个人或物,即复数句型。)

step 5 课堂检测 (look and write.)

1this is my father. i’m his __

2this is my mother. i’m her

3) this isi’m

4) thisi’m

5) these

step 6拓展练习。


my name is cathy. i’m twelve years old. i am a student.

my father is an office worker. my mother is very beautiful and young. she is an office worker,too.

my grandfather and grandmother are old, but they like sports. my uncle and aunt h**e a son. he is my cousin.

he is only five. i like him.

) 1. cathy is twelve.

) 2. cathy’s father isn’t an office worker.

) 3. cathy’s mother is young..

) 4. cathy’s grandfather and grandmother like music.

) 5. cathy has a little cousin.


课题:module 1 unit 1 my family tree 课时: 2

三、 学习目标:


能力目标:能理解并运用含有动词h**e的句子“i h**e…”

和how many引起的特殊疑问句“how many… do you h**e?”

四、 学习步骤。

step 1 温故互查。

introduce your family and relatives in groups with these sentences:

this isthese are…

step 2 设问导读。

read the sentences in pairs.(两人读句子,并对同伴的表现作出评价)

1) how many uncles do you h**e? i h**e two uncles.

2) how many aunts do you h**e? i only (仅仅,只)h**e one aunt.

step 3 自学检测。

let’s choose.(单项选择)

1) how many __do you h**e? a. cousin b. uncles

2) i only __one brothera. h**e b. has

教师点拨:how many是一个特殊疑问词,提问可数名词的多少,所以how many后跟可数名词复数。)

step 4 巩固练习。

using the sentences “-how many __do you h**e? -i h**e …”to ask and answer with your friends, then finish the table.

s1: how many __do you h**e?

s2: i h**e …

step 5 课堂检测


)1. b. grandfather c. relative

)2. b. father c. mother

)3 many b. how much c. where

)4. b. auntc. brother

step 6拓展练习。

选词填空。only are name h**e relatives

my __is alice. these __my family andthis is my grandfather. this is my grandmother.

i __two uncles. i __h**e one aunt.

he she their him her them

jenny is my cousinis a happy boy. i often play football with __he has a sister. _is only two years old.

we all likei am __cousin. i love __


课题:module 1 unit 1 my family tree 课时: 3

五、 学习目标:

知识目标:四会频率副词always, usually, sometimes,并理解运用。

三会掌握动词词组 play games/ football/ badminton go shopping/ swimming/ cycling go to the park/ zoo watch tv/ see a film


what (else) do you do with your…?

i alwayswith your __


一。英汉词组互译。1.元旦2.儿童节3.春节。4.中秋节5.复活节。6.五一国际劳动节7.龙舟节,端午节。teachers day 10.国庆日11.吃许多美味的食物。12.穿上戏服装扮 up and dance15.赏月。16.度过时光17.有一段很长的假期。18.去沙滩19.吃粽子。20.吃月饼...


6a 部分语法整理 should表示建议,命令,义务,责任的意思,常译作 应当 或 应该 否定形式should not shouldn t 例如 1 建议或命令。you should go home now.you should brush your teeth every morning.2 义务...

牛津小学英语六年级词组复习 6A

六年级词组复习 6a 1 在。后部。2 吹灭蜡烛。3 儿童节。4 圣诞节。5 上来。6 端午节。7 用戏服装扮。8 下车。9 在。前面。10刚才。11 一会之前。12 使 离开,不接近。13 让我们等着瞧。14 环顾四周。15 发出 喧闹 声。16 劳动节。17 中秋节。18 手提 19 国庆节。2...