
发布 2020-03-20 17:41:28 阅读 8657

疑问否定任你变, 句首大写莫迟疑。

短语:1. 地点类:in the study 在书房 in the kitchen在厨房 in the bathroom在浴室

in your desk 在你的课桌里 in your hand 在你手里 on the table 在桌子上。

under the table在桌子下 on the fridge在冰箱上near the phone 在**旁边

on the bed 在床上

2. 动作类: watch tv 看电视 read a book 看书 h**e a snack吃点心

h**e a nap 睡一会儿 open the door 开门 look at 看

go to the living room. watch tv去客厅,看电视

go to the study. read a book去书房,读书

go to the kitchen. h**e a snack去厨房,吃零食。

go to the bedroom. h**e a nap去卧室,睡觉

go to the bathroom. take a shower. 去浴室,洗澡。


1. -is she in the living room ? 她在客厅里吗?

---no , she isn’t. 不, 她不在。 /yes, she is. 是,她在。

2. -are they near the phone ?它们在**旁边吗?

---no , they aren’t . 不,它们不在。 /yes, they are. 是的,它们在。

3. -where is the cap ? 帽子在**?

---it’s on the bed.它在床上。

4. -where are the keys ? 钥匙在哪儿?

---are they on the table ? 它们在桌子上吗?

---no , they aren’t . they’re in the door . 不,不在。它们在门上。

5. -where are the keys?(钥匙在哪儿?)

---they’re on the fridge. (它们在冰箱上。)

6. -open the door, please. (请打开门。)

---ok. (好的。

7. -is she in the study? (她在书房里吗?)

---no, she isn’t .(不,她不在。) yes, she is. 是,她在。

8. -is it in your hand ? 它在你的手里吗?)

---yes,it is!(是的,它在。) no, it isn’t. 不,它不在。


) 1. living room ab.

) 2. studyab.

( )3. kitchenab.


) is the book?

a. he is in the living room. b. it is in the desk.

) amy in the study?

a. yes, it isb. yes, she is.

) 3. is the pen in the pencil box?

a. no, it isn’tb. he is in the study.


1. is in your desk it (?

2. where my is pen (?

3. in she the is kitchen (.


)1. cute duck2. use excuse

)3. up study4. much use


)1. —is she in the living room

a. no, he isb. no, she isn’tc. yes, she isn’t.

)2it in the desk?

a. doesb. arec. is

)3is my pen? —it’s in your study.

a. whob. wherec. when

)4. go to theto h**e a nap.

a. bedroomb. bathroomc. living room

)5. —is your mother in the kitchen

a. no, she isb. yes, he isc. yes, she is.


1. i h**e ashe's in the

2is your mother?

in the

3she in the

4. look! your dog is ( the

5. wow, youris


1. they are in the bedroom.(改为一般疑问句)

2. are they in the study?(英译汉)

3. are they on the table?(作肯定回答)

4. are they near the phone?(作否定回答)


) home.


)2.__this your classroom?


) bag?


)4.—are___near the phone?

yes,they are.


) can you see in___room?



( )1a. bedroomb. living room

) 2a. living room b. bathroom

( )3a. kitchenb. study

) 4a. bedroomb. kitchen


) 1. –is she in the kitchen?

yes, she is.

) 2.—where is she?

she is in the study.

) 3.—is he in the living room?


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