
发布 2020-03-20 18:03:28 阅读 2641

unit4 my day


做作业 do起床up 去上学 go to

回到家get睡觉 go to吃午餐 h**e

吃早餐 h**e吃晚餐h**e



is it? it’s


it’s time to


whatit’s a


it’s time to


what timetheyat


does sheat 5:30.


___it nine o’clock? yes


tonyit’s time to


weat 7:00 every day.


jennyat 6:00


ab )1. what time do you go to school? a. it’s saturday.

)2. what time is itb. no, it’s not.

)3. what day is it todayc. at 9:30.

)4. what are they doingd. it’s 9:00.

)5. is it time to go to bede. they are sleeping.

四,选择。 )1. it’s time __get up.

a. in b. toc. on

)2. it’s time __bed.

a. in b. toc. for

)3. what time __gogo eat dinner?

a. do b. doesc. is

)4. peter __breakfast at 7:20.

a. has b. h**ec. h**ing

)5. they do __homework at 8:00.

a. our b. hisc. their

)6. she __to school at 7:00.

a. gob. goingc. goes

)7. my mother __up at 6:00 every morning.

a. gets b. getc. getting

)8. look! she is

a. dance b. dancingc. dances

)9. it’s 19:00. it’s time __dinner.

a. h**e b. toc. for

)10. what time __they get home?

a. are b. doc. does

)11. i usually h**e bread and milk for

a. lunch b. breakfastc. dinner

)12you h**e lunch at school ?

a. areb. does c. do

)13.. what time __your father go to work?

a. does b. doc. is

)14. my friends andare going to the park.

a. me b. myc. i

)15. my brother __lunch at 12:00.

b. hasc. /


1. time what is it (

2. going are to tomorrow lake we the (

3. to time is h**e it dinner (

4. father mother to go work 8:00 my and at (

5. they what get time home do (


my name is lily. i am 8 years old. my mother is a teacher.

she goes to work at 8:00 every day. my father is a doctor.

he goes to work at 7:30 every day. i usually get up at 7:

00 and h**e breakfast at 7:10. then my father drives me to school at 7:

30. i get home at 5:30 and do my homework at 5:

40. my parents get home at 6:00 and we h**e dinner at 7:


)1. what time does lily go to school?

a. at 7:00b. at 7:10c. at 7:30.

)2. what time do lily’s father and mother get home?

a. at 5:30b. at 7:00c. at 6:00.

)3. how old is lily?

a. she’s eightb. she’s sevenc. she’s six.


)1. lily gets up at seven o’clock.

)2. lily has breakfast at school.

)3. lily goes to work by bus.

)4. lily’s mother is a doctor.

)5. lily’s goes to school by herself(她自己) .


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