
发布 2024-03-01 23:35:07 阅读 9629

unit 6 how do you feel?

period 1 let’s learn write and say p59

learning aims(学习目标)

1.能够听说读写单词:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy.

2. 能认读句型:人+be+表示感受的形容词。

important &difficult points(重难点)


learning steps(学习步骤)


1. t: i’m a teacher. what do you do? ss: i’m a student.

t: what does he/ she doss: he is a(n) fisherman/…

t: spell itss: f-i-s-h-e-r-m-a-n/ …

2. do you know the facial expressions? (教师自画表情简笔画)

step2. 新课内容展示。

1. learn: angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy

t: i’m happy. how do you feel? ss: i’m sad/ …多读多操练)

2. t: look at this picture. who is she? how does she feel?

ss: she is sarah. she is angry. (边做表情边读单词angry)。

3.以同样的方法教学后面的单词afraid, sad, worried, happy.

4. listen to the tape and follow reading.

5. 小组练习读单词、句子。

step 3. 合作交流,师生共建。

ss: he/ she/ the cat/ …is angry/ sad …(教师事先准备**)

eg: the dog is afraid.

1. finish write and say.

2. 一个学生表演,其他学生说句子:he/ she is angry/ …表演的学生说:yes, i am angry/ …

step 4. 达标检测(


)1.高兴的 a. hobby b. happy c. head

)2.悲伤的 a. sad b. scientist c. ship

)3.生气的 a. ask b. angry c. afraid

)4.担心的 a. worker b. word c. worried

)5.害怕 a. attention b. amazing c. afraid

一. 读一读,连一连。

1. what are you going to doa. 他们很高兴。

2. sarah and the cat are worriedb. 迈克喜欢制作机器人。

3. they are happyc. 你们要干什么?

4. mike likes ****** robotsd. 萨拉和猫很担心。

二. 用be的正确形式填空。

1. sarah happy. 2. my father sad. 3. i worried.

4. lily and lucy angry. 5. they afraid.


1.抄写并背诵单词 2. 用be的三种形式写一句话描述自己和他人情绪。


板书设计: unit 6 how do you feel?

angry afraid sad worried happy

he/ she/ sarah is angry/ …they are sad/ …



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