
发布 2024-02-28 06:20:11 阅读 3950

unit 6 i’m watching tv.导学案。

学校:凤县双石铺中学编者:刘利备课组长: 审核。

课题period 1 section a 1a—1c ( p31 )

学习目标】1. 学会、记住31页的生词和句型;

2. 初步了解现在进行时;

重、难点】1.记住new words 2.学习使用1a中的动词短语谈论人们正在做什么




1). read a news*****2). talk on the phone

3). listen to a cd4). use the computer

5). make soup6). 洗碗。






2). 听录音,完成1b,小组讨论核对答案。


what are you doingi’m watching tv.

i’m reading a news*****. i’m talking on the phone.

i’m using the computer. i’m ****** soup.

i’m washing the dishes. i’m exercising.



what’s he/she doing?和what’re you/they doing?


归纳总结】现在进行时态的构成:主语+be动词(am/is/are)+ doing

i’ve learned in this class(这节课我学会了)


2).掌握的words and phrases有。



)1. —what is tom doing? —hethe computer.

a. useb. is useing c. is using

)2. his father isa news*****.

a. looking b. seeingc. reading

)3. the students arethe teacher.

a. listen to b. listening to c. listening

)4. the girls __in the classroom.

a. singsb. singingc. are singing

)5. the girl often talks __the phone with her mother.

a. tob. onc. with


9、布置作业【拓展训练或作业】: 一)单选选择。

)1. look,! they __games over there.

a. is playb. is playingc. are playing

)2. we are doing

a. our homework b. my homework c. one’s homework

)3. jim and his teacherover there.

a. is talk b. is talking c. are talking

)4. lilythe blackboard.

a. is looking b. is looking at c. looking

)5. they arebooks. a. seeing b. reading c. watching

)6are the students doing in the classroom now?

a. whatb. where c. when

)7.--is the boy using the computer

a. yes, he does b. no, he isn’t c. no, he doesn’t

)8.--what __your family doing? -they’re watching tv.

a. isb. doesc. are

) ideagood.

a. listensb. soundc. sounds

) 10. it’s twelve o’clock now. the greens __lunch at home.

a. h**eb. is h**ing c. are h**ing


it’s four thirty in the afternoon. there are many students on the playground. jim and his friends are playing basketball.

li lei and other boys are playing football. miss gao is watching the games. she is looking after the clothes, too.

where are the girls? they are over there. some are running, others are jumping.

the twins are on duty today. they are in the classroom. lucy is cleaning the window, lily is sweeping the floor.

they are working hard.

1. what time is it

2. what are jim and his friends doing

3. what is miss gao doing

4. where are the twins

5. are they working hard

点拨解疑】现在进行时表示正在进行的动作或存在的状态。一般有be动词(am, is, are)加上动词的现在分词(即动词的ing形式)构成。通常句子中常有now, look!

listen! it’s two o’clock now.等表示正在进行的时间状语。



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