
发布 2024-03-01 07:35:13 阅读 4106


王玮。教学内容 a let’s learn let’s find out

教学目标 1.能够听、说、读、写a let’s learn 部分的黑体单词::,听说认读白体单词:vapour

2.能够听、说、认读句子:where does the rain come from? 并在现实生活中能够灵活运用,做到语音准确,语调自然。

3.能够完成let’s find out的任务。


1.熟练掌握重点单词:stream, rain, cloud, sun, vapour。

2.能够在现实生活中灵活运用句型: where does the rain come from?


教学过程。step 1:pre-paration

上课伊始,教师通过教学**资源给学生呈现英语童谣《little water drop》.让学生静静地欣赏、感受。

step2: presentation:

1.教师对学生说:“we drink water every day.

we need water every day. what else needs water? where does the water come from?

”2.教师简笔画“雨”,并对学生说:“we are going to talk about rain.

where does it come from? does it come from the sky? 教师帮助学生回答it comes from the cloud.


3.教师用简笔画在原先的rain和cloud 下面画stream,自然而然的引出stream,板书并教读。

4.教师用简笔画在stream 上面画sun ,教师夸张的描述太阳的火辣,引导学生想象溪水在太阳的照射下发热变成vapour。

step3: practice:


step 4: production


cloud, cloud, where does the cloud come from?

it comes from the vapour.

vapour, vapour, where does the cloud come from?

it comes from the stream.

stream, stream, where does the stream come from?

it comes from the rain,rain, rain, where does the rain come from?

it comes form the clouds.

step 5: homework

背诵单词:stream, rain, cloud, sun

句型:where does the rain come from? it comes from ……


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