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pep小学英语五年级上册unit 6 part a let’s learn单词教学。

学习内容】pep小学英语五年级上册unit 6a let’s learn






本课学习的内容是:forest hill river mountain lake五个表达自然景物的名词。教材通过chen jie和john就一幅自然公园平面图,利用句型is there a… in the park?

yes, there is.问答自然公园里有什么自然景物的形式,呈现了单词的词形和意义。本课的单词是第一次正式学习并提出听说读写的要求,因此,教师可以适当在本课时的单词记忆环节中给予记忆方法的指导。

其中,单词forest/river/lake在第一课时已经接触过,但mountain 和 hill是第一次接触。教师需要。

学习目标】1.通过听、唱歌曲in a nature park,i can say活动认识即将要学习的新单词,复习前面所学习过的there be句型。


3.通过pair work练习,应用所学词汇进行is there a… in the park? yes, there is.的实际问答。

4.通过draw and ask活动,在具体的场景中应用本课所学词汇和核心句子进行灵活交流。


1.创设let’s sing、i can say看图描述环节,通过唱一唱,说一说。达成目标1。

2.创设听录音跟读、拼读、看图说和read and write环节,听听、读读、说说、写写。达成目标2

3.创设pair work环节,同桌之间应用所学词汇借助句型is there a… in the park? yes, there is.完成问答活动。达成目标3

4.创设draw and ask环节,小组成员之间或同桌合作,在具体的场景中应用本课所学词汇和核心句子进行问答练习。达成目标4


step1. 评价目标1


t: good morning, everyone. how are you today?

ss: fine, thank you.

t: nice to see you again.

ss: nice to see you, too.

2、let’s sing 《 in a nature park》 can say:

呈现第五单元a部分let’s talk 左侧的**,引导学生用there is …的句型来描述**中的事物及其位置。

step2 . presentation 评价目标

t:ok, you are good chen jie and john will go to a nature park . there are many beautiful natural scenery in the nature park .

what’s in the nature park ? let’s h**e a look.

1. 学习单词forest

ppt呈现自然公园中forest的单词与森林**,教学单词forest并引导学生用there is a forest in the park.句型练习这个单词。然后问学生:

is there a forest in the park? 引导学生回答并板书:yes, there is.

学生反复跟老师认读,观察词形,教师引导学生根据发音规律,分音节拼读单词:for-est,指名学生说句子is there a forest in the park?其余学生回答yes, there is.


ppt呈现forest park练习forest的说、读,并借助句型what’s in the forest?引到学生看ppt说出apple tree pear tree pine tree peach tree等等。


ppt呈现自然公园中hill的单词与小山**,老师指hill部分的图说: look! there is a hill near the forest.

板书i指导发音/i/,接着板书ill,教学发音,最后板书hill,反复教学,呈现ppt英雄山hero hill练习认读hill一词,借助is there a … in the park? yes, there is.学生反复练说单词hill,3.学习单词river

t: there is a forest and a hill in the nature park. can you guess what else?

引导学生说出is there a river in the park? 引出river一词,利用ppt**进行教学。板书i指导发音/i/接着板书ri,引导学生拼读,最后板书river进行整体教学,学生跟读并拼写r-i-ver。

ppt呈现yellow river xiaoqing river练习认读单词river,再指几名同学借句型is there a river in the park? yes, there by one形式一问一答巩固单词读音。

4. pair work:

a:is there a … in the park ?

b: yes ,there is.


5. 学习单词mountain

ppt呈现自然公园中mountain的单词与大山**说:ok, boys and girls, look , what’s this ?板书教学单词mountain,板书ou指导字母组合的发音/au/板书并教学mountain的发音,并拼写单词。

再利用one by one或two by two形式引导学生认读。ppt 展示 yellow mountain mountain tai qianfo mountain让生练习,最后继续用本课主句型is there a mountain in the park? yes ,there is.



ppt呈现自然公园里lake的单词与湖泊**,提问学生:look,boys and girls, what’s this ?do you know?

引导学生试读,板书cake,学生会大声读出。然后再从板书cake中擦掉首字母c,单词变成了lake,学生就会自然读出该词,板书lake,反复练习几遍,借助几个ppt: daming lake west lake dongting lake 最后再套主句型is there a mountain in the park?

yes ,there is.练习。

and repeat. **let’s learn部分的录音,学生跟读。

step 3.practice评价目标

and write

1) xiaoqing __is in jinan.

2) _tai is in taian.

3) west___is in hangzhou.

4) hero __is in jinan.

5) there are many trees in it, it’s a___

and ask: draw a nature park. then talk about it with your partner.

设计自己理想中的park,小组内选择运用以下句型进行练习并展示:is there a … in your nature park? yes, there is.

\no, there isn’t. 练习巩固所学的新词。

step 4.consolidation 评价目标4

read and choose (读一读,选择正确的**)

look at the picture. this is a park. there is a lake in the park .

and near the lake there is a hill. there is a forest in front of the hill. there is a mountain behind the hill, too.

which is the right picture?

总结t: boys and girls, green is beautiful. nature is beautiful.

so we should protect the environment, be environmental small guards! we can plant many trees. we will make the river clean.

we will make the lake clean.

we will make the mountain green. ok? thank you ! goodbye!

板书设计:unit 6 a let’s learn

is there a forest in the park?



lakeyes, there is. /no, there isn’t.


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