
发布 2020-09-16 15:38:28 阅读 5001

grade 5 unit 6 in a nature park




第二课时:a. let’s try let’s talk pair work c pronunciation


a. 能听、说、认读there is a ……in the city. is there a ….

in the park? yes, there is. /no, there isn’t.


b. 了解字母组合er, or, wh在词中发音。

三、教学重难点:掌握句型is there a ……in the…? yes, there is.

no, there isn’t. 与区分is this/that…? yes, it is.

/no, it isn’t.



2. 上节课的家庭作业**。


step 1、preparation

1. **let’s chant p68, 师生一齐吟唱。

2. 快看快拼。老师快速出示let’s learn 中的单词卡,学生快速拼出,并说出汉语意思。

step 2、presentation


t: what’s in the box? can you guess? s: i think there is /are…..

t: (接学生所说,转换句型): is there ……in the box?

老师打开盒子揭示答案:ss:there is a picture in the box.

t: yes, there is. 老师带读。可以换个东西再猜,引出no,there isn’t.

b. 趣味操练:考考老师老师背对学生,某一学生当着其他学生的面往盒子放一件物品,教师根据声音,用所学句型猜物品名称。

ss: what’s in the box? t: is there a … in the box?

ss: no, there isn’t. t: is there a ….in the box?

ss: yes, there is.


2. is there a ……in nanhu park? (或其他学生知道的景区)

t:( 老师呈现南湖公园的**)what’s in nanhu park?

is there a lake in the park?

ss: yes, there is .可以让学生互相提出其他的问题并作答。

3. let’s talk. t: zhang peng and john are talking about a nature park.

is there a river in the park? listen and answer. **录音,学生听录音。

回答问题。教师板书句型:is there a river in the park?

yes, there is . no, there isn’t.

4. 学生听录音,跟读。模仿录音中的语气和语调。同桌之间互相分角色朗读。

5. 教师给出一些key words, 组织学生复述let’s talk.

step 3、practice

1. 利用课本中其他三副图,学生在小组内替换句型, 作对话, 并请几组展示。

2. pair work. 学生拿出自己上节课作业,自己最喜欢的自然公园**,小组内询问。


what’s in my picture? can you guess?

ss: is there a ….t: no, there isn’t 等等。

3. let’s try. listen and circle.

step 4 summary


2. pronunciation

a. 老师呈现含有er, or, wh 字母组合的四组词,让学生自己拼读,然后总结读音规则。还可以让学生说一说其他符合这一规则的词。

b. 老师**录音,让学生跟读,辨别相互之间的异同。

step 5、progress


( )1. a: there are many cars. b: i like it very much. c: it’s a city.

( )2. a: yes, there is. b: no, it isn’t. c: it’s a farm.

( )3. a: it’s big. b: yes, there is. c: yes, it is.

( )4. a: it’s on the shelf. b: they are on the shelf. c: they are nice.

( )5. a: there is a lake. b: no, there isn’t. c: it’s big.


1. what’s the city like?

2. is there a farm?

3. is this a nature park?

4. where are the books?

5. what’s in the nature park?


1、 is there a forest in the nature park?(否定回答)

2、 is there a path in the path?(肯定回答)

3、 in, lake, the, park, there, is, a ? 连词成句)

4、 a, in, is, there, city, nature, the park. (连词成句)

step 6、homework:

听录音,读let’s talk 对话,并做一个相似的对话写下来。


unit six in a nature park

a: let’s talk

riveris there ain the nature park?

farmyes, there is. (肯定回答)

no, there isn’t. (否定回答)


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