
发布 2023-11-16 05:25:05 阅读 2943

课题:unit1:how often do you exercise?

第一课时。备课教师: 薛城区邹坞中学胡彬彬。


learning goals

talk about how often people do things with wh- questions,what do…?how often…?adverbs of frequency:

all/most/some/ the students get healthy lifestyle and good eating habits.

step 1 leading-in

greetings:talk about something the students did on

summer vacation .

step 2 pre-task

sb page 1 , 1a .

1. look at the picture (学生识图).

2. name each activity .

t: what are they doing ?

they are shopping /reading /exercising /watching tv /skateboarding .(help the students to answer )

3. write the activities on the line .

4. check the answers on the bb .correct their own activities .

5. practise reading .

sb page 1 , 1c .

1. focus on the conversation in the box .

2. practise reading .

3. pairwork : what do you do on weedends ? i ··

4. groupwork :divide the class into groups of four or five .

make conversations .first s1 to s2:

s1:what do you do on weekends ?

s2:i ··

s1:what does she /he do on weekends ?

s2:she /he ··

5. act out their own dialogues .

step 3 while-task

sb page 1 , 1b .

1. look at each picture in what the person does on weekends .check the ss orally.

2. make sure what they will hear and do .

3. read these adverbs and explain.

4. play the tape twice .write the letters on the line.

sb page 2 , 2a & 2b .

1. read the activities and the answers of “how often” first .

2. practise reading .

3. in 2a we should know the activities you hear .in 2b we should know the answers of how often he does the activities.

4. play the tape for a first time .ss only listen .

5. play the tape a second time .ss do 2a .

6. play the tape a third time .check the answers .

7. play the tape .ss do 2b .

8. check the answers .

in this part ,we should pay attention to how often引起的特殊疑问句及回答。

step 4 post-task

sb page 2 , 2c .

1. focus on the conversation .

2. practice reading .

3. read the activities in the left box .

4. fill in the chart .

5. pairwork: make conversations .


old man___锻炼)every morning.

often go to the___电影).

do you usually do on___周末)?

mother___有时)goes shopping with me.

ying___几乎不)watch tv on weekdays.


often does lily___watch)tv?

sometimes___work)ten hours a day.

brother often___go)to the movies.

do morning___exercise)at school every day.

mother usually goes___shop)in the morning.

your brother often go___swim)in summer?

mother often___h**e)lunch at her workplace.

homework on weekends.

mother often___watch)tv after supper. but now she___not watch)tv. she___wash).

with her parents___go)camping once every month.




mike usually do


i’m sorry i can’t go shopping with youtomorrow?




___do you often


weplay soccer.

教学特色:本节课秉承语言源于生活、应用于生活的宗旨,由询问学生假期的活动到谈论学生日常的课余生活,结合本课新单词与新句型。层层递进,由what do you usually do on weekends?

自然过渡到how often do you exercise?既符合学生的认知规律,又遵从了以旧带新的规律。在逐步讲解的过程中,逐渐代入新单词,为听力的系统训练做好了铺垫。




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