Unit10第一课时教案设计 1

发布 2023-09-12 16:35:52 阅读 2059

unit10 do you play(第一课时)教学设计。



1、能听懂、会说日常交际用语:do you like football? what do you like?以及相应的回答yes, i do./no, i don’t.


ping pong.3、了解某人的喜好。4、能够朗读课文。



单词的朗读及能在情景中运用句型:do you like…. what do you like?


what do you like?以及相应的回答yes, i do./no, i don’t.




step 1, revision:

up:say the chant of 3b: /what would you like?:/2. free talk:

look at my blouse.-it’s nice.-thank you.

step 2, presentation:


t: look, here are many color circles. i like red. do you like red? yesor no?

s: yes/ no. (help the pupils answer:

yes, i do. /no, i don’t.)*do you like red?

*yes, i do.

no, i don’t.

看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,跟读)出示颜色、动物等**。)s: no, i don’t.


第1页。pandas/birds/monkeys?s: yes, i do.

what do you like?

s: do you like yellow/apples/cats …?

t: yes, i do. i also like many things.

for example, i like football.* football---football, football, it’s a you, do you, do you like football?yes, yes, yes, i do.

do you like football?

s1: yes, i do. do you like football?t: no, i don’t. i like basketball.

basketball---basketball, basketball, it’s a you, do you, do you like basketball?no, no, no, i don’t.

what do you, what do you, what do you like?football, football, i like football.(让学生尝试自己编chant.

)5. t: hello, s2. do you like football?s2: no, i don’ what do you like?

s2: i like basketball. do you like basketball:s3: …s4:…

t: yes, i do. (利用实物,学生依次练说,最后回到老师。

) look. what’sthatonthedesk?isthatafootball?

isthatabasketball?oh,it’snota football, it’s not a basketball. it’s a volleyball.

* volleyball---volleyball, volleyball, i like you, do you, do you like volleyball?no, no, no, i don’t.

what do you, what do you, what do you like?basketball, basketball, i like basketball.(让学生自己编chant.

)6. look, the footballis big. thevolleyball is big,too.

the basketballisbig, it? it’s green/ white…

baseball---baseball, baseball, it’s a you, do you, do you like baseball?yes, yes, yes, i do.

what do you, what do you, what do you like?baseball, baseball, i like baseball.(让学生自己编chant.

)7. t: hello, ***. good good afternoon.

t: do you like football?

第2页。s: no, i don't..

t: what do you like?s:

i like baseball.(老师给出例子,学生用替换词football/basketball/baseball/volleyball/ping pong自编对话。)step 3, practice:

1. t: hello, boys and girls, look at my hand. what’s in it? guess?s: …

t: oh, look, it’s a small ball. it’s orange. it’s a ping pong. doyou like ping pong?


2. make the dialogues using their own words. group 4, consolidation:

1. listen to the tape, and answer the questions.

2. make the dialogues in groups in their seats, then come to the 5, homework:

1. listen to the tape after school.

2. write down the chant using the other words.




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